As January Does

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Lizzie's POV

"How was your New Years?" my manager asked as we walked into the filming studio to meet the cast for a script reading.

"It was perfect," I smiled, sipping my coffee, "Y/N/N is just the most perfect person."

"Your fans love her," she agreed, "you haven't posted anything since your coming out post, if you want to call it that ... from a purely professional point of view, maybe something more of her would pique their interest, get them excited for this new film."

I hummed and nodded, "I don't really like the idea of using her for publicity."

"Think about it," she added.

I nodded again, knowing my mind had already been made up.

"All right," she beamed, nodding towards the other main cast members, "Lizzie, this is Carrie Coon and Natasha Lyonne."

"Hey," I smiled shyly, sitting down next to them in front of a script that was pre-highlighted with my lines.

My manager took her place in the corner of the room next to the others managers and I turned to my cast mates. Natasha sat opposite me, one of her feet on the table to lean her chair back slightly. Her hair was down and fell almost perfectly over her face as she wore a matching black tracksuit and a big smile. Carrie, however, looked much more sophisticated and was in a pair of black skinny jeans and a knitted jumper, her hair pulled into a neat slick back bun, glasses sat on the end of her nose.

"I saw you and your girlfriend at the new year's party," Natasha started with a proud smile, "that was your ex-husband on the stage, right?"

"Yeah," I laughed, literally fiddling with my thumbs to calm my anxiety down.

"That was pretty badass of you," she added, "dancing with your current girlfriend to your ex-husbands band? I knew from that moment I needed to be your friend."

"Thanks," I giggled, "it was all Y/N's idea, I had to be bribed with tequila."

"Don't we all," Natasha laughed, "you weren't at the party, were you?" she asked Carrie.

She hummed a no and shook her head, "I was with the kids all night, it was nice though. We watched the fireworks on the TV and-"

She was cut off by a paper aeroplane flying at her face from where Natasha had thrown it.

"Boring," she decided.

"Someone has to be the adult," Carrie giggled, throwing the aeroplane back.

"But not too adult to throw paper aeroplanes?" Natasha smirked.

"It was your aeroplane!" she laughed back.

"Okay okay okay," Azazel announced as he walked into the room and sat opposite us proudly, "you three are my stars. Your auditions were perfect, you're all so similar to the characters it's ridiculous. Today is just going to be a simple table read, nothing overly complex, you don't even need to use your acting, just read the lines to me. In front of you are personal highlighted scripts; please, for the love of God, don't show them to anyone. Lunch and stuff will be brought here so we can be done by about six- is that a paper aeroplane?"

"Nope," Natasha smiled, picking it up and throwing it at me next, it hit the side of my face and then fell to the floor.

"Like I said," Azazel smirked, "you're exactly like your characters."

I opened my script and looked at the first line of the movie. My line. The first big speech of the film was mine.

"Lizzie, whenever you're ready," he smiled.

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