The New Year

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Dressed in a tight black mini dress that stopped just under my bum. Shiny black tights clung onto my thighs, making my legs look longer and somewhat slimmer, of course, it was helped massively by the extreme platformed boots on my feet. Lizzie had made the decision we would both get ready at mine and then go to the New Year's Eve party together as it was closer to my house than it was hers. Last night after we shared a shower, she sat and braided my hair into tight French braids so that now, when I was clipping half of it up, it sat in perfect pleated waves and was so much easier to manage than my normal curly hair. Lizzie was currently sitting on my bedroom floor blow-drying her bangs, so they stayed in the same position all night. Different to me, she was dressed in a pair of black trousers and a black turtleneck that had belled sleeves. I felt a little bit overdressed, but she kept telling me that she was simply underdressed and that there would be more people dressed like me than like her. The echoing of Abba through my bedroom kept my thoughts at bay to be fair.

"Can you grab me another drink please?" she smiled at me in the reflection of the mirror, my heart dropping at the words.

"Oh, it's Simone," Lizzie smiled.

"What did she say?" I asked, half excited.

"Oooo she wants me to go out for dinner tonight," Liz beamed, sitting up slightly to reply.

"Nice," I nodded, "just you two?"

She nodded once more.

"Like a date?" I asked.

"No," she laughed inwardly, furrowing her brows, "like two friends going out for a meal."

"Two friends who are both gay," I corrected.

"Just because we're both gay doesn't mean anything," Lizzie assured me, "I promise, it's just dinner."

I let out a shaky breath and just nodded, "I'll be here then."

"I won't be gone long," she smiled, happy with my compliance.

"Okay," I mumbled, "do you want me to help you get ready?"

She shook her head, "no you chill, I can get myself ready."

"Okay," I repeated, "you sure it wasn't an open invite?"

"I don't have to go," she sighed.

"No, I want you to go. Go and have fun, I'll be here," I nodded with the fakest smile I could muster.

"I can feel your eyes on me," she mumbled, keeping her own eyes on the TV.

"Yep," I whispered, a smile on my lips as I turned my head towards the TV too.

After the fourth episode, Lizzie groaned and sat up, swinging her legs onto the floor and smiling over at me.

"I'm going to get ready," she told me.

"Okay," I giggled.

"Do you want to make me a cocktail and bring it up?"

"Drink pleaseee," Lizzie sang, waving her wine glass in the air.

"Um yeah, sorry," I exhaled, taking her empty glass from her hand and dropping it with shaky hands, the glass shattering all over the floor by Lizzie's legs.

"Fuck Y/N/N," she cursed, standing up and stepping away from the broken glass, "what just happened?"

"S-sorry, I- I don't know- sorry," I shook my head.

Leaning down, I started picking up all the pieces of broken glass and putting them into the palm of my hand, Lizzie watching me in silence. When I stood back up, I exhaled shakily and felt Lizzie's hand on my upper arm.

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