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"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Olsen and I'm very attracted to you," Lizzie smiled on, yet another, red carpet.

"That was perfect," the interviewer smiled back at her, "now tell me; why should we watch this show?"

"Umm I don't know ... you don't have to watch it," Lizzie laughed, "I hope people watch it because they're truly interested in the story that we're telling."

Someone stood behind me cheered loudly as a series of applause echoed through the crowd, making Lizzie blush and making me giggle, her eyes catching mine as I winked at her softly.

"WOOOO GO LIZZIE!" I shouted with an amused smirk, my eyes still on hers.

"Is that your girlfriend we're hearing?" The interviewer smiled, the camera still on Lizzie face.

"Yeah," she giggled, looking at me, "she's thinks she's hilarious."

"Your fans sure seems to love her," the woman replied.

Lizzie hummed and nodded as all of her fans around me clocked who I was, "I suppose she's okay," Liz smirked.

I gave Lizzie another wink before I was pushed onto the red carpet and out of reach of her fans. This red carpet I had opted for a red dress that was a slightly darker shade than the one Lizzie was rocking. Her hair had grown significantly over the past few months, so her bangs were pulled out of her face and her waves sat freely just below her collarbones. With her hand outstretched toward me, I walked forward and joined her where she was walking off towards the next section of cameras.

"You think you're so funny," she smirked, squeezing my hand.

"I think I'm hilarious," I smiled, dropping her hand to wrap my arm around her shoulders.

With my assistance, she grabbed my hand and kept my arm around her body, linking our fingers together.

"Do I get to finally watch this show?" I asked.

She nodded, "only the first episode but yeah, we're watching it today."

"How exciting," I beamed, a huge proud smile on my lips, "is there any sex scenes?"

"There's a few," she giggled, "why? You literally get to have sex with me in real life, why do you need to see me having fake sex on camera?"

"Because it's hot," I smirked, "and because you're gorgeous."

"Stop making me smile so hard, you're going to ruin my makeup," she laughed, shaking her head slowly and trying to stop smiling.

"I love your smile."

"Stop," she giggled, squeezing my hand as we stepped out in front of the next row of cameras.

"Knock em dead baby," I smirked, kissing the side of her head and leaving her to do her job as I stepped to the side of the carpet and watched her with a look of deep love and affection.

After a few shots of Lizzie in varies different poses and smiles, she walked toward me and took me into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Heyyy," I smiled, spinning her around and hugging her back, "how are you feeling?"

"Really, really good," she beamed, pulling away and looking into my eyes, "I feel amazing."

"I'm glad, you're literally glowing," I told her, brushing some hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek.

She leaned into my hand and stood on her tiptoes to peck my lips a few times before she pulled away and grabbed my hand.

"We've got a show to watch," she told me.

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