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"Have you taken your meds?" Lizzie asked, yawning into her coffee as we sat in front of her TV eating breakfast.

I nodded.

"Show me our tongue," she added, looking over at me.

I looked at her and stuck my tongue out, very obviously not being blue from the bright blue pills.

"Take your meds please," she said firmly.

"I'll take them after breakfast," I told her, my eyes going back to the TV and sipping my coffee again.

She sighed and stood up, leaving the room without another word. I bit my cheek and seconds later, she came back in with my pills, popping two out and handing them to me with a glass of water.

"Take them now or you can go home," she smiled.

"Well, that's just not very nice," I smirked, putting them on my tongue and swallowing them.

When they had gone down my throat, I stuck my tongue out to show her that they were gone and she hummed with a nod, leaning down to kiss my lips before sitting back next to me.

"They don't help," I told her.

"You need to actually take them for them to help," she replied like it should've been obvious.

I hummed and nodded, finishing my oats and putting my empty bowl on the table in front of us.

"I was thinking about-" she started again as her phone started ringing.

"You were thinking?" I giggled.

"Hang on," she mumbled, answering the call, "hey Ash, everything okay? ... oh my god okay ... yeah, we're on our way."


"Ashley had the baby but there were some complications, we need to go to the hospital," she exhaled all at once.

"Okay, um- I'll drive?" I asked.

She nodded and let out a shaky breath, "can we go now?"

"Yeah of course, let me get the car keys," I frowned, following Lizzie to the front door as her shaky hands slipped on her boots.

"Fuck man," she sighed.

"She's okay, we'll be there in 20 minutes," I assured her.

"I know," she nodded quickly.

"Come on then," I smiled slightly, leading her outside as she walked towards her car, leaving me to lock the door.

As soon as we were on the road, Taylor Swift began playing on the radio and a little tiny smile drew on Lizzie's lips. I gently placed my hand on her thigh, and she placed hers on top of that, linking our fingers together as she softly sang the song as a distraction from her thoughts.

I miss the old ways
You didn't have to change
But I guess I don't have a say
Now that we don't talk.

"I call my mum, she said that it was for the best," Lizzie mumbled through her lips, "remind myself the more I gave, you'd want me less."

"I cannot be your friend," I joined in, Lizzie turning to smile at me.

So, I pay the price of what I lost
And what it cost
Now that we don't talk.


"Hey," Louis smiled with open arms as we walked towards Ashley's hospital room.

"How is she?" Lizzie asked, hugging him tightly.

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