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"Do you have work tomorrow?" Lizzie asked as my fingers were between her legs.

I giggled and stopped my moving, "I can't believe you asked that now."

"Don't fucking stop what are you doing," she laughed, bucking her hips into me.

I moved them again and she hummed and threw her head back.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" she repeated.

"Not until eleven," I laughed.

"Okay," she moaned, "fuck, right there."

I giggled and pushed harder, making her back arch and squeeze her eyes shut.

"Yeah?" I smirked.

She hummed a yes and let out a shuddery breath as she let go, releasing her arousal around my digits. Laughing out my nose, I pressed my lips against hers and she smiled, cupping my cheek and kissing me back. When her hips stopped moving, I pulled my hand away and pushed my fingers between her lips. She smirked and swirled them around her tongue, humming at the taste. Letting her mouth free, she let out a deep breath and pecked my lips a few more times.

"Thanks," she whispered.

"Stop thanking me for orgasms you little weirdo," I giggled, pecking her lips again.

"Sorry," she smirked.

"I love you," I whispered, kissing her again.

"I love you too," she mumbled against my lips.

I giggled and lay down next to her, resting my hand on her chest and drawing small circles with my thumb.

"How is your dad now?" I asked her.

She nodded and looked over at me, "he's better than he was. He hasn't had to deal with my bisexuality because I've only been with men since you but ... I don't know how he'll be when I tell him about us."

"Mum's going to be so happy," I replied.

"When do you think you'll tell her?" she asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "when will you tell your dad?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "when I'm sure we're- I don't know- that you're not going to- when I- I um- I don't know."

"I know," I nodded, "me too."

She nodded and smiled sadly at me, "I will though."

"Me too," I smiled.

"You know you're the only person to make me finish," she told me.

"Really?" I asked, slightly shocked.

She nodded quickly, "apart from myself."

"Of course," I giggled, cupping her cheek with my free hand, "you pull the most beautiful face when you cum."

She laughed out her nose, rolled her eyes and shook her head slowly, "you will do anything to get in my pants."

I hummed a yes and closed the gap between us, kissing her slowly. Her tongue brushed against mine straight away and I smiled against her lips, kissing her deeply as she placed her hand over mine and exhaled sharply. When I pulled away moments later, Lizzie ran her tongue over her bottom lip slowly and smiled sweetly to herself. Closing her eyes and leaning her head back, she laughed slightly and opened her eyes again to look over at me.

"I can't believe this is real," she whispered.

"Kiss me again," I smiled.

She laughed out her nose and kissed my lips again, cupping my cheek and rubbing my cheekbone with her thumb. When she pulled away again, she scrunched her nose at me and bit her bottom lip.

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