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Lizzie's POV

Okay, this is all very real now, I thought anxiously, as I looked at my reflection the night of my hen do. Y/N/N was next door getting ready for her own as I got ready in the ensuite bathroom after a very romantic bath together. I was dressed in a puffy little white dress with thin straps and a corset-style top as my hair sat in loose curls, the colour in between a blonde and a brown with small hoop earrings in my lobes. I had been ready for about 10 minutes now, but I simply couldn't move, I was just stood staring at my reflection and lightly hyperventilating at the realisation that this was it. I had been waiting to marry this girl since I was 19 but now it was here, all I could think about was what could go wrong. It was only three years ago I was in this exact position, excited for a future with Robbie and it took precisely six months for him to lay a hand on me.

"YOU KISSED ANOTHER MAN!" Robbie shouted at me.

"I'm a fucking actress," I said back in disbelief, "I didn't write the scipt Rob."

"But you kissed him," he nodded, his nostrils flaring, "you looked like you fucking enjoyed it as well."

"Are you joking?" I laughed slightly, "please tell me you're taking the piss, surly you're not being serious right now."

"How deluded are you Elizabeth?" he asked.

I laughed out my nose and shook my head, turning to walk away, "I'm not doing this, you're being stupid."

"Don't walk away from me!" he exclaimed, fast walking after me until we were standing in the kitchen, and I was pulling a bottle of wine out of the fridge.

"Babe, I love you," I assured him, sipping my wine, "I don't love anyone else; I have to do what the script says because it's part of my job. I don't have feelings for the people I kiss when I'm playing a character, okay?"

"With the amount they pay you, surely you can have some say," he bit back.

"That's not how it works," I replied in disbelief.

"God, you're such a self-centred bitch," he snarked.

I rolled my eyes at him as I kept drinking my wine, "fuck you Rob."

"Fuck you right back," he shouted

"FUCK OFF THEN," I shouted back.

"DON'T SHOUT AT ME," he yelled, shoving me backward so hard that when my back hit the kitchen side, my wine glass dropped to the floor and I bent over in pain.

I made a noise like a wounded dog as my spine started throbbing and my hands started shaking - before I knew it, my husband was at my side, pulling me into a hug and apologising profusely in my ear until I stopped crying. He gave me another glass of wine, an ice pack and basically did everything I asked for the next two months until it happened again and again, time after time.

"Darling, I really need a wee before I go," Y/N/N laughed from the other side of the bathroom, knocking twice.

I closed my eyes and tried to form a sentence but couldn't, I came up with nothing, I couldn't say anything with my mind was literally running away from me.

"I will piss with you in there," she giggled louder, knocking again, "okay I'm coming in, I don't care if you're naked-"

As she opened the door, my eyes were still shut and my breathing was rapid, holding tightly onto the bathroom side as she lightly placed her hand on top of mine.

"Hey, you're okay," she sighed, "what's going on?"

I shook my head and tried to focus on my breathing.

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