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"When were you going to tell me, you are back with Elizabeth?" my mum's eyes widened on Facetime.

"I um-"

"I find out through Scarlet??" she pushed, "so I went on Twitter and guess whose face is plastered all over the hashtag Elizabeth Olsen?"

"Lizzie's?" I smirked.

"Yours," she corrected, "you and her in LA, in New York, out for dinner, at the cinema ... when did this happen?"

"Um, we reconnected the day I landed in New York," I told her.

"Three months ago?" Mum quipped.

I hummed and nodded slowly, "she's in the process of getting a divorce from her husband because he's- he's not been very nice to her."

"Are you dating again?" Mum's smile slowly grew.

I nodded.

"Her husband ... was he- did he hurt her?" she asked.

I nodded once more, "it's all right, I punched him in the face."

Mum laughed out her nose and nodded with a proud smile, "that's my girl, you've always been protective over the people you love."

"Yeah," I exhaled, "I broke my wrist though."

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," she laughed, "what is she like? Is she the same Lizzie?"

"In all the ways that matter," I smiled, "I feel ... whole again? I don't know how to describe it; I just feel like my life is complete with her in it."

"I get it," she agreed, "that's how I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with your dad."

I hummed and nodded, looking down at my lap, "I think I do ... want to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Awww," Dad interjected, shoving his face in the frame.

"Have you been there the whole time?" I giggled.

He nodded, "I overheard your voice from the other room. When are you coming home? We miss you and your brother."

"I don't know," I smiled sadly, "I miss you guys too, but I can't leave New York for too long, the company would literally fall apart without me. Scarlet's coming up in a few weeks for Christmas though, she's bringing Jessie too."

"No Harry again?" Mum sighed.

I shook my head, "he's in Iran I believe, they're not sure when he'll be back."

"How is she doing with Jessie on her own?" Dad asked.

"I don't know," I admitted, "I've been a bit of a shit friend recently ... I haven't spoken to her much since I've been here."

"Sometimes life gets in the way," Mum smiled sadly, "oh darling, I heard about Chau ... how's Vanessa? Have you spoken to her?"

I hummed and nodded, biting my cheek, "she came here a few weeks ago, she um- she's getting there ... me too."

"You too?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, it um- I knew him quite well I guess," I mumbled.

"Really?" Dad pushed.

"Yes," I replied like it should've been obvious, "funnily enough I was close with my near father-in-law-"

"Don't say it like that," Mum cut me off.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like we don't care about your loss."

"You don't," I admitted, "you didn't even ask if I was okay ... the first thing you asked me about was Lizzie."

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