Fine Line

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"How old are you, Miss Olsen?" our massively overpriced fertility nurse asked.

"29," Liz answered, her hand firmly in mine as we sat opposite the desk with her leg jumping up and down quickly.

"I'm going to be very honest with you," she smiled softly, closing her notebook that sat on her huge mahogany desk, "as soon as you hit thirty, it's going to become significantly harder to fall pregnant naturally."

"We know," I nodded, "that's why we're here," I spoke, looking over at Lizzie who nodded in agreement.

"We want to get the ball rolling," she finished.

"Okay," the nurse smiled, "Elizabeth, if I give you a quick swab test, we can check your fertility levels and then see what options you have before you leave this evening."

"O-okay, yeah, that's perfect," Lizzie smiled with slight relief.

"We were also wondering if I can be tested too ... just in case," I added, "I've had a few medical issues so we're not confident about anything but thought we'd check."

"That's no problem," she smiled back, "each testing kit is around $600 and then the results will be an extra $200."

"Each?" Lizzie checked, "$800 ... each?"

"$700 each," she corrected with the same smile, "the results are only $100 per person."

"Only," I exhaled, my eyes widening.

"Is that an issue? We have many payment options if that's the case," she assured us like $1400 isn't a lot of money.

"I've got it covered, it's okay," Lizzie told me, squeezing my hand, "I'll cover it."

"Are you sure? We can get my test done another day or next month-"

"Y/N/N, I've got it, it's okay," she assured me with a. small smile, "it's worth it if it means we get a family at the end."

"Okay," I exhaled shakily, "all right, let's do this."

"Okay," she repeated as she looked back toward the nurse, "I'll write up a check and we can do the tests now?"

"Perfect," the nurse smiled, "Y/N, would you like to go first?"

I nodded and took off my coat, "how does this work?"

"If you lay down for me, it's just a few simple vaginal swaps and a blood test, are you okay with that?" she checked, washing her hands as Lizzie wrote up a check.

"All good with me Doctor," I agreed.

"Lovely," she smiled, "call me Rachel by the way, hopefully I'll be with you through your whole journey."

I smiled softly and laid down on the bed as she very quickly shoved a swab inside me, making me giggle in shock.

"Woahhh there Rachel, take me on a date first," I laughed.

"Sorry," she smiled, putting another inside me as I let out another laugh.

"Y/N/N, stop being so childish," Lizzie giggled, "sorry about her, she's like a teenage boy."

"Shut up," I smirked, looking over at my girlfriend.

"Okay, just the blood test now," Rachel beamed, "are you going to laugh as I put this in your arm?"

"I can't make any promises that I won't," I smirked, the needle injecting into my vein, "ouch."

"You'd think she'd never been to a doctor's office before," Liz told the nurse with a smile.

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