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"Buenos días Madrid! La temperatura local de hoy es de 96 grados abrasadores-" (Good morning Madrid! Today's local temperture is a scorching 96 degrees-)

I leaned over and quickly turned off the alarm, Lizzie also groaning at the loud noise echoing through our ears.

"What time is it?" She yawned.

"9am," I yawned back, cuddling up next to her and burying my face in her neck, "you don't start filming till this afternoon, right?"

She hummed a yes and nodded, her eyes still shut, "it's too hot to start any earlier."

"Does that mean we can do something this morning?" I smiled up at her.

"What would you like to do?" She laughed out her nose.

"There's a street market on Thursdays, I had a look before we left New York."

"I could do a street market," she agreed with a small smile, pecking my forehead and then my lips.

"fantástico!" I replied with a very poor Spanish accent.

"God please stop with the Spanish," she giggled, pushing me off her and standing up.

I smirked and watched her walk over to the en-suite in the cute little apartment we were renting while she filmed in this part of Spain. We were now three days into being here and she had filmed for all three so today was the first day we finally got to spend some time with each other without her having to rush off. We were living in a two bedroom bungalow style apartment on a very nice side of the city of Madrid. It was a simple and small but it did the job, we had no need for anything bigger.

When Lizzie re-emerged, she picked up her glass of water and swished it around her mouth before swallowing it with a disgusted face.

"Morning sickness?" I asked, "that's new."

She hummed and nodded, "could've been the dodgy kebab we ate last night to be fair."

"Touché," I laughed, lying back and starring at my gorgeous fiancée dressed in my Calvin Klein sports bra and some small booty shorts.

She was now 11 weeks pregnant and just starting to show. To anyone who didn't know, it just looked like she was very bloated but we knew. We knew straight away and the smile on our lips hasn't faltered since. When Lizzie caught my gaze on her belly she too dropped her eyes and placed her hands over our child.

"Good morning little angel," she mumbled.

"I still can't believe you're pregnant," I smiled.

"I keep forgetting and then my stomach keeps growing," she laughed out her nose, "breakfast?"

I hummed and nodded, sitting up slowly and holding my hands out toward her. She smirked and grabbed my hands, straddling my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hi," I whispered, pecking her lips three times before standing up abruptly and letting Lizzie's legs wrap around my waist.

She giggled slightly and held on tighter, "where are we going?" She laughed.

"Breakfast," i replied as if it was obvious.

Sitting her down on the kitchen side, she cupped my cheeks and pulled our lips together again, kissing me slower this time.

"What would you like to eat?" I mumbled against her lips.


"Food," I cut her off with a smirk, tapping her thighs twice before walking to the fridge, "such a dirty girl."

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