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Elizabeth Olsen was spotted in Earth Café with childhood best friend, Clayton Hawkins, and a mystery girl. Sources say they were spotted holding hands. Are Robbie and Elizabeth separated? Who is this mystery girl and where did she come from?

"Have you seen this?" I asked Lizzie as she sat at the bottom of her stairs doing her laces up.

"The article?" she checked.

I nodded.

"Yeah," she whispered, "my publicist called me this morning to ask what I wanted to do."

"What do you want to do?" I questioned slowly.

She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, "I know I'll have to tell the public about Robbie eventually but I don't feel like I'm at a place where I can talk about it publicly yet and when I do, they're going to ask about you and I don't want to pull you into this world."

"I don't mind," I assured her, "whenever you're comfortable of course but I don't mind being in your world. I want to be in your world."

She nodded, "it's not just that ... talking about you, about us, it means I'll have to come out publicly and I- I don't know if I'm ready for that backlash."

"Your fans love you," I reminded her.

"I know," she smiled sadly, picking up her bag and putting it on her shoulder, "you love me, my fans love me, and my family love me but there are just as many people that don't love me and I don't think I can mentally process that hate without it having a serious impact on me."

"Okay," I whispered, holding my hand out towards her, "whenever you're ready, I'll be there."

"Thank you," she smiled shyly.

"What about us being seen together in public before you come out?" I asked, rightly so.

"Sunglasses and hats," she giggled, "that's what I usually do, I've let it slip this week but that's how I try and hide my identity when I'm out. I don't care if people speculate about who you are. It'll make my job easier if they already have a small idea."

I nodded, "all right then, hats and sunglasses," I laughed.

"Can we go to the car now?" she asked, slipping a blue LA cap on my head, "we've got a long ass drive ahead of us."

"Let's go home," I smiled, kissing the top of her head before handing her the car keys.

"Home," she repeated quietly, locking her front door behind her and stumbling towards the car.

I joined her in the passenger seat and plugged my phone into the aux, Midnights by Taylor Swift blasting through the car speakers. Lizzie looked over at me, her healing eye, her dark brown hair hanging over her face and smiled. She smiled with so much emotion I actually felt myself well up a little bit.

"You're fucking perfect," she muttered before starting the engine and pulling out of the parking space.

"Oh my god, I know what song we need!" I explained, throwing away her comment and eliciting a small laugh from Lizzie.

Walking through a crowd, the village is aglow
Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats
Everybody here wanted something more
Searching for a sound we hadn't heard before
And it said ...

"Welcome to New York," Lizzie giggled.

"It's been waiting for you," I smiled, looking over at her as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel of the car.

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