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"I have been doing some googling," I told Lizzie later that day.

The evening of Valentine's Day, Lizzie had booked a cocktail bar in the city centre of LA before remembering I don't exactly drink alcohol, so we decided to take a table at the back with a mocktail menu and minimal loud music so we could actually talk instead of just smiling at each other.

"Really? What did you find?" she smirked, stirring her cocktail with a straw.

"Some houses," I smiled, "do we want to stay in New York?"

"Well, that's where your job is," she reasoned, her eyes now nervously dropping to her cup.

"Why have you gone weird," I furrowed my brows.

"Who's weird? Not me, I'm not being weird. Maybe you're being weird," she tried to reason, picking her eyes back up to me like she wasn't acting sus.

"No, what is it?" I asked.

"Nothing," she clearly lied.

"Lizard," I furrowed my brows.

"Y/N/N," she sighed, "it's nothing, I'm just a bit tipsy, tell me about the houses please."

"They're all three beds," I continued, "is that what we're looking for?"

She hummed a yes and finished her drink, ordering another, "three or four bed I think ... is this our forever house?"

"Yeah," I smiled with a nod, "I think it would be nice to find our forever house."

"Me too," she smiled back, "so ... three or four beds, that way we have bedrooms for our kids."

I nodded with a blush on my cheeks, "I don't think I'll ever get used to you saying our kids."

"I know; it feels weird," she giggled, her next drink arriving.

"So, New York?" I continued.

Lizzie nodded, "I'm happy wherever you are – I have to travel for work anyway."

"But being in America would be easier?" I asked.

She hummed and nodded, "probably yeah, filming tends to be in LA or New York."

I nodded, "what would you think about moving back to LA?"

"I wouldn't be opposed to it," she decided, "obviously ill need to get over this anxiousness about being in the same city as Robbie but I'll get there."

"Or we can stay in New York and move outside of the city, near where you're living now?" I suggested.

"Yeah," she smiled, "I'm happy to stay in the city ... would you like to move before the end of the year?"

I thought for a moment and nodded again, "I do if you want to."

"Yeah, I do," she nodded shyly, "you don't think we're moving too fast, do you?"

I shook my head quickly, "I've waited seven long years to be with you again, I don't know if I can even wait a few more months but I will ... until we're both ready.

"I'm ready now," she laughed, "but you're right, at least until I finish filming for His Three Daughters."

I nodded slowly and sipped my alcohol-free Sex on the Beach (which is basically just orange juice).

"And then babies?" she asked me.

I chocked on my drink and smiled, "we're going to have kids eventually; there's no rush baby."

"I am 28 in two days," she reminded me in case I had forgotten her birthday.

"I know," I smirked.

"I know you know," she giggled, "please can we have a baby?"

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