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I forgot just how much I loved my own company.

This morning I had spent my time unpacking the rest of my stuff, leaving now just empty boxes to dispose of. Lizzie was due round at about 5 so I had a few hours to kill and get ready. I wasn't planning on making myself look sexy per se, but I would like to look nice. Show her what she's been missing.

I always knew I was pretty, I'm well aware of the fact that heads turn when I walk into a room but as I've gotten older and more mature, my curls have become more defined, my curves have increased and overall, I just kept getting sexier. The last time Lizzie saw me all dolled up was a long seven years ago and I still looked like a baby. I was ready to show off what I've got.

My outfit for this evening had been laid out for a few hours now. I decided on a pair of black tailored trousers, a black sweatshirt tucked into it paired with my fluffy Doc Martens. With everything else planned out, I went over my plan for tonight before stepping into the shower. The hot water burning my skin, I let it run over my hair as I leaned my forehead on the wall behind the shower. Subconsciously I found my mind drifting back to Lizzie and what she would be wearing tonight. I wondered if she was planning it out like I was. If she really wanted to be my friend or if this was a way to get me to love her again. I don't doubt that there are not feelings there anymore, but I can't let my mind go there.

Fuck, why am I thinking like this?

With a groan, I stepped out of the steamy bathroom with my towel around my body. Towel drying my hair as I stepped into my bedroom, the doorbell went. It was way too early for Lizzie to be here, so I furrowed my brows and made my way towards the entrance of the flat. Without looking, I pulled it open to be met with Natasha stood there holding two coffees and a bag of pastries.

"Long time no see," she smiled, "I bought cinnamon rolls."

"This is fate, is it?" I smirked, letting her in.

"Yeah, I decided to take fate into my own hands," she nodded, looking down at my body, "did I interrupt?"

"No, I was just about to get changed," I told her, "wait here, I'll be two seconds."

"Okayy," she sang sweetly, making her way into the lounge as I ran back to my bedroom.

Quickly dropping my towel, I threw on my trousers and an oversized t-shirt before brushing my hair as I walked back into the lounge where Natasha was sitting smiling at my apartment.

"Hey," I smiled, sitting down next to her.

"Coffee," she replied, not breaking eye contact and handing me the hot takeaway cup.

"Thank you," I nodded, taking a sip.

"The apartments looking nice," she smirked, sipping her drink.

"You came over to look at my apartment?" I giggled.

She shook her head slowly, a small blush rising on her cheeks, "I haven't really been able to stop thinking about you it turn out."

"Is that so?" I smirked.

She hummed, a permanent smile on her lips, "so I bought you coffee and I wanted to ask what you're doing tonight?"

"Unfortunately, I have plans tonight," I sighed.

"Shame," she nodded, "I would very much like to take you out on a proper date at some point though."

"A date?" I teased.

"Yeah," she smiled, "I think I have a bit of a crush on you actually."

I nodded slowly, "naturally."

"You're so full of yourself," she laughed.

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