Cockney Town

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I arrived at Heathrow Airport at six the morning of my Liver scan.

I was only due to be in London for the week around my exam because I couldn't think of anything worse than living with my parents for more than seven days.

Seven long ass days.

Mum told me she wouldn't mind picking me up, but I had now been standing outside the airport in the dark, my nose now red because of how cold I was, for the past 20 minutes. Just when I was about to order an Uber, her black four-by-four came speeding around the corner.

Taking a deep breath, I watched as Mum tumbled out of the car and smiled wide at me, the winkles by her eyes more prominent than the last time I saw her and her hair a little bit longer. She took me into a tight hug and squeezed me until I had to physically push her off me.

"Y/N/N you look so grown up," she smiled, cupping my cheeks.

"I look the same," I laughed.

"You look more mature," she decided, taking my suitcase and letting me get into the car.

As soon as I sat down, I slipped off my shoes and bought my feet up to the dashboard, plugging in my phone and messaging Lizzie to tell her I landed safely and was on the way home. When Mum got in the car, she tapped my legs, and I smiled over at her weakly.

"It's so nice to have you home," she smiled, "take your feet off the dash."

I smirked and took my feet down, bending my legs so my knees were now to my chest as she started the car and began the drive back to my family home. It was still very dark outside and there was a slight frost on the roof of her car, the radio humming in the background as my phone buzzed on my lap. With a response to my message to Lizzie, I smiled at my phone screen and typed something back to her.

"How's Lizzie?" Mum asked, her eyes flitting between the phone in my hands and the road.

"She's good," I replied with a yawn, "we're buying a house."

"You're staying in America then?" she mumbled.

I hummed a yes and nodded, looking out of the window as we drove in awkwardness.

"Do you think it's a good idea to buy a-"

"Yes," I cut her off, "believe it or not, I'm an adult and I have thought about this Mum."

"I know Y/N," she sighed, "it's just a big commitment that's all, I don't want you to get hurt again."

I nodded once more, "it's different this time ... we've both grown a lot since we've been apart and now her divorce is finalised, we're ready to finally start our lives together."

"She treats you well?" she asked.

"The best," I agreed.

"Your Dad and I were looking into coming to see you," she added, "I'd like to get to know Lizzie properly."

"Yeah," I mumbled, my eyes still on the setting around us, "I'd like for you to get to know her too."

"Have you spoken to Vanessa recently?" she pushed.

I shook my head, "not since her Dad died."

"I saw her mum a few weeks ago," she added, "I think you should see them while you're down."

"I don't know," I exhaled.

"It would mean a lot to them ... I don't think Vanessa's doing well," Mum frowned, "she cut all her hair off."

I laughed out my nose and looked over at her with furrowed brows, "what has that got to do with anything?"

"You cut all your hair off after you and Holly broke up," she reminded me.

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