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"Can we watch the next Twilight?" Lizzie asked quietly as I brushed out her hair.

She had been all but mute since I told her why I flew four hours across the States this afternoon and the first thing she decided she needed to ask was about Twilight, I couldn't help but giggle slightly.

"Of course, we can," I smiled, placing a kiss on the top of her head, "do you want to talk about it?"

"Do I want to talk about Twilight?" she asked, a small smirk on her lips.

"Don't be funny," I giggled, "do you want to talk about Robbie?"

She shook her head, "not yet."

"Your sisters going to ask," I replied, remembering poor MK was still downstairs.

Lizzie nodded, "I know ... I should call Ashley."

"Maybe wait until tomorrow," I suggested.

"Maybe," she whispered.

"Do you wanna go downstairs?" I asked, moving the topic back to Twilight.

"In a minute," she spoke quietly.

"I can do a fun little dance for you?" I smiled sweetly, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

She shook her head and turned around to face me.

"Is there anything I can do?" I frowned.

"Kiss me," she whispered.

I smiled slightly and nodded, cupping her cheek and brining our lips together in a slow soft kiss. She kissed me back straight away and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me against her as we both breathed heavily into the gap between us. Lizzie pulled away first, making me chase her lips and making her giggle slightly.

"Thank you for coming here," she mumbled, leaning her forehead against mine and closing her eyes.

"I couldn't lose you again," I whispered.

"You won't, I'm not going anywhere," she replied in the same hushed tone.

"Do you think you could go the freezer and get me an icepack?" I asked.

She giggled and nodded, pulling away and taking my now purple hand in her own. Looking at the throbbing skin, she frowned and started squeezing all of my fingers until a shooting pain coursed up my arm.


"Sorry," she smiled, "I think your fingers broken."

"You think?" I asked sarcastically.

"We should go to the hospital then," she replied.

"If we turn up at the hospital and you've got a cut on your eye and my hand is broken, what does that look like?"

"Okay maybe no hospital yet," she decided, "it might just be a fracture."

"I don't think so," I giggled.

"No, me either," she laughed as MK knocked on Lizzie's bedroom door, "come in."

"Hey," MK smiled sadly, "you can come down when you're ready, do you want me to go and talk to Ashley? I can try and knock some sense into her."

"Please," Lizzie mumbled with a sad nod, "I- I didn't want to upset her or anything."

"You haven't done anything wrong, okay?" MK told her.

She nodded and walked toward her sister, hugging her tightly.

"I'm really glad she's back," MK mumbled against Lizzie's neck, loud enough for me to hear and smile.

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