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I hate the smell of hospitals.

With Lizzie asleep in the seat next to my hospital bed, my hand still firmly in hers, all I could do was scroll through my phone and wish the time would go faster.

I couldn't tell you how long we'd been here now, it had been a good 5 or 6 hours and I was sick of the needles in my arms and the sticky hospital food they keep giving me. Lizzie was still dressed in her pretty red outfit from the premiere while I was rocking a blue hospital gown and an elastic band hair tie.

"Lizzie?" I whispered, "are you awake?"

She hummed and nodded slowly, opening her eyes and looking at me tiredly.

"Were you asleep?" I mumbled.

She nodded again, "are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Go back to sleep," I smiled softly.

She shook her head, "I'm up now, it's okay it wasn't very restful ... do you want a coffee?"

"I'd love a hot chocolate please," I agreed with sad smile.

"Any food?" She yawned.

I shook my head, "thank you baby."

She nodded once more and stood up with a small groan, "I'm going to find out when you can go home."

"Okay," I mumbled, watching her disappear through the door as I was left with the sound of beeping machines and the dripping from my IV.

"Miss Y/L/N," my nurse smiled as she walked in with a little clipboard, "how are you feeling?"

"I would love to go back to New York," I smiled, "can we leave now?"

"You're not flying yet," she replied, "I need your body to absorb all of the medication before you get on a plane."

"How long will that take?" I asked.

"24 hours at least," she nodded, "ideally I would like for you to stay here so we can monitor you overnight."

"Can we just get a hotel nearby?" I pushed.

"That defeats the point of monitoring you," she smirked.

I nodded slowly, "so you're keeping me in?"

"I would like to, yes," she smiled sadly.

"Okay, yeah, sure," I exhaled.

"I've been looking over your hospital notes from the past and there's a few colourful flags I'd like to talk to you about," she added.

"Colourful?" I asked.

She hummed and nodded, "you were admitted for anorexia when you were 17?"

"Yeah," I nodded, Lizzie coming back into the room.

"Hey," she smiled, handing me my drink, "they said you can't go home yet."

"Yeah, I heard," I nodded, watching as she sat down again.

"Then you were admitted to the hospital again when you were 22 for an overdose?" The nurse continued.

"An over- what?" Lizzie mumbled.

I nodded, my eyes still on the nurse, "yeah, but why does that link to my liver?"

"And finally," she started again, "you were admitted two years ago when you were diagnosed with cirrhosis?"

"Yes," I nodded again.

"An overdose?" Lizzie added.

"Not now babe," I frowned, looking at her furrowed brows.

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