His Three Daughters

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I woke up hours later to an empty bed, Lizzie must have left early to go to her audition while I was still asleep. My face felt swollen from how much I cried last night. My eyes were crusty, and my cheeks flushed red. Without a second thought, I picked up my phone and messaged Vanessa right away before sending Lizzie a message too when I saw the time was just after eleven. Elizabeth's contact flashed across the screen moments later.

"Hey baby," she sighed down the phone, the sound of her driving in the background.

"Hey, how did it go?" I asked.

"Really, really well ... I think I got it?" she smiled.

"What did they say?" I pushed, a small smile growing on my own lips.

"They said that they'll send me the script and a contract," Liz replied quickly.

"You definitely got it," I agreed, "congrats my love, I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you," she exhaled, "how are you feeling? Did you just wake up?"

I hummed a yes, "I don't know how I'm feeling ... I feel weird."

"That's okay, that's normal," she smiled sadly, "listen, I'll be home in about ten minutes; do you want sushi or Taco Bell?"

"Sushi please," I laughed out my nose, "pick up a bottle of champagne too."

"Champagne?" she giggled, "seems a bit fancy for a movie day, don't you think."

"As a celebration, from me to you," I smiled, "I won't have any obviously, but you deserve a glass."

"I do," Lizzie laughed, "I'll be home soon, okay?"

"Drive safely, I love you?"

"I love you too angel," she smiled, hanging up the phone.

Placing my phone back in my lap, I rubbed the crusties out my eyes and grabbed Lizzie's hoodie from the side of the bed before crawling out of it and walking straight down the stairs and toward her front room. As soon as I sat down on the couch, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Switching on the flatscreen TV, I looked down at my phone and bit my cheek at Vanessa's reply to my obviously stupid question of 'how are you?'

I've been better
What about you?


Can you call? I can't sleep anymore

Without replying, I dialled her on Facetime and let her face fill my phone screen. She smiled at me sadly and placed her phone on her bedside table so she could talk to me with minimal effort.

"You look like shit," I smiled.

She laughed out her nose and nodded, "I know ... you look amazing as always."

"I don't feel so amazing," I replied.

She nodded slowly, "are you at Lizzie's house?"

"Yeah," I whispered, "we're- she's um- we're back together."

"Officially?" she asked.

"Yeah," I repeated.

"That was fast," she exhaled.

I nodded again, "do you think?"

"I just think you need to be careful with your heart Y/N/N. You put on this big persona but you're sensitive and she can really hurt you ... just be careful, please," Vanessa sighed, "I'd hate to see you get hurt again."

"I'm being careful, don't worry," I assured her.

"Okay," she nodded, "Mum's coming home soon."

"Has she been at the hospital this whole time?" I furrowed my brows at her.

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