Twenty eight

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"Happy birthday to you," I smiled, "happy birthday to you ... happy birthday dear Lizzieee, happy birthday to you."

Lizzie giggled and opened her eyes as she lay in my bed on the morning of her birthday. I had woken myself up at the crack of fucking dawn to make sure her gifts were wrapped for her. I made her breakfast and a freshly hot latte using the new coffee machine that I got in the black Friday sale and finished it all by tying a 28 balloon to the handle of the mug as I did for her on her 20th birthday all those years ago. As I positioned myself next to her on the bed, she sat up and took the coffee from my hand, smiling at the sentiment of the balloon on the mug and taking a sip of her drink with a hum.

"Do you feel old yet?" I smirked, sipping my own drink.

She nodded, "I do ... is this your way of telling me it's time to have a baby?"

"I told you we would look into it," I laughed, "there is no rush, neither of us is going anywhere darling."

She hummed and nodded again, "did you get me any gifts?"

"No, I thought the coffee was enough," I joked, handing her a little pile of wrapped presents.

"Ooooo," she smiled, putting her mug down and picking up the first gift, "what are they?"

"Presents," I smirked, "open them."

She giggled and peeled away the paper of the first gift, revealing a Pandora box. Looking up at me, she furrowed her brows and popped open the small white box. When the sparkly silver ring reflected off her green eyes, her hands started shaking and she looked up at me again with intention.

"This isn't what I think it is, is it?" she whispered.

I took the box out of her hand and shook my head, "it's a promise ring," I explained, "this is my promise to you that you've got me until the end."

She let out a shallow breath and held her hand towards me. Slipping the silver band onto her wedding finger, I kissed the back of her hand and smiled up at her.

"It's not a proposal," I reminded her, "just a promise."

She nodded and cupped my cheek, pulling our lips together in a soft kiss. I kissed her back before pulling away moments later and handing her another gift. She took it from my hand and put it down on her lap, holding her hand out in front of her and admiring the jewellery I had just placed on her finger.

"I can't wait to be your fiancé," she smiled.

"Not yet," I giggled, "you've already been a fiancé twice, the third time is going to be more special than this."

"If it's with you, it's already special," she told me, her hand now on her lap, "I don't want a big fancy proposal, I just want you Y/N/N."

"I'm going to make it as special as you are to me," I replied.

"Okay," she laughed out her nose, picking up the next gift and pulling away the paper.

Two small hand warmers fell onto her lap, and she giggled, furrowing her brows and picking them up.

"For when you have to wake up early for filming," I smiled, "it's got to be cold at 3am so I thought these would be sensible."

"They're actually perfect," she laughed, "thank you."

"Of course," I laughed, "okay, next one."

She giggled and took the next small box from my hand. As she pulled away the paper to expose a flat pink box, her hands pulled the two parts away from each other and a small laugh escaped her lips at the matching lingerie set sitting in pink tissue paper.

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