Career shattering

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"She had an affair???" Lizzie spoke sarcastically, "thank you for all the support???"

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"She had an affair???" Lizzie spoke sarcastically, "thank you for all the support???"

"He's a ... a very strong word I don't want to even say," I agreed, my fists clenched tightly.

"Say it, please say it," she nodded.

"He's a fucking cunt," I swore, "what a childish move to make. He knows exactly what he did wrong and why you filed for divorce-"

"Exactly, that's why he did it," she expressed, "how did his manager let him post that ... I need to retaliate."

"You can't stoop to his level Liz," I sighed.

"Well I can't sit back and do fuck all with this, he's destroying my reputation," she cursed, "I've worked my whole career to get where I am now, I'm not letting that crumble because my ex-husband is a- what word did you use?"

"A cunt?" I smiled.

She hummed and nodded quickly, "he's- UGH, I hate him so much Y/N/N. Why did I even marry him in the first place."

"I really wish I knew," I laughed out my nose, "are you going to message him?"

"No," she decided, picking up her phone and opening Instagram.

"What are you doing?" I asked, leaning forward and looking at her phone as she started creating an Instagram post, "Lizzie-"

"I'm retaliating," she told me, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"Should we consult with your manager?" I suggested.

"No," she replied bluntly, "I'm taking back my power."

"Okay," I nodded slowly, "if you're sure-"

"Oh, I'm more than sure," Lizzie cut me off.

I placed my hand on her knee and watched as she aggressively typed away at her Instagram caption. She must have been typing for about five minutes before she jumped over to Google and opened her bookmarked tabs revealing a series of abuse hotlines and charities. I frowned at her searches and squeezed her leg gently to let her know I supported her. She placed one of her hands on top of mine and squeezed it three times, her eyes still on her phone. After selecting a photo of her and Robbie and making it black and white, she transferred it all onto Instagram and traced her eyes over her words before looking up at me and nodding slowly.

"You're sure?" I checked.

She nodded quickly, "I'm not letting him do this to anyone else and if any of my fans are in this position, I need them to know they're not on their own."

"Okay," I smiled sadly, "whenever you're ready then."

She nodded once more and briefly flicked her eyes down to her phone, clicked post and then locked her device and put it face down on the bed before looking up at me again.

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