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Do you know what I'll never understand?

Why it takes five people to get one person ready for an award show. Lizzie had been sat in the makeup chair for TWO GODDAMN HOURS. Two people were working on her hair, one person was doing her makeup, another was painting her nails and the last was Ashley, making sure her dress was perfect. Me on the other hand, I sat and got my makeup done in a matter of 20 minutes, did my own hair and now I was sat on the couch, scrolling hopelessly through my phone until Lizzie was done. The show didn't start until 7pm and we didn't need to be in the carpet until 6.30 so I don't know why we've been here since midday.

"Baby, do you want a drink?" Lizzie asked me.

I picked my head up and thought for a moment, "I could do with an iced latte?"

"Cynthia-" (Lizzie's Agent)

"On it," she smiled, getting up and leaving the room.

"How long until you're ready?" I asked, dropping my phone in my lap and leaning back in the chair.

"Not long now," Liz smirked, "are you bored?"

"A little bit," I giggled.

"Perfection takes time," Ashley told me, pinning the last bits of Lizzie's outfit.

I laughed out my nose and snapped a few pictures of my girlfriend getting ready before I began scrolling again. After our coffees and a few biscuits, a long 30 minutes later, Lizzie was finally ready. She clicked her fingers over at me to get my attention and I picked my eyes up again and smiled at her beauty.

Her hair was pulled back into a low slick back bun while her features were painting with the lightest cover of makeup and a bold red lip, the slight glimmer on her eyes matched the long gold earrings that hung from her ears and eventuated the length of her neck and in extension, her face shape. The dress really was perfect too. Her breasts poked through the fabric ever so slightly but overall she just looked fucking gorgeous. Straight out of a magazine gorgeous.

"Holy shit," I exhaled, staring at her with adoration.

"Is the dress okay? Not too booby?" She asked.

"You look gorgeous Lizard," Ashley smiled, "remember, when the awards are over I want you back here to get ready for the after party."

"I know, we'll be back," Liz nodded.

"And when you're on stage-"

"Look to the back of the room and don't fall over," Lizzie finished for her.

"You're going to smash it," Ash smiled, "now get on the balcony so we can take some pictures of you."

Lizzie giggled and gave me a small wink as she stepped out in front of the camera. Ashley handed me my suit and basically pulled me away from Lizzie to get changed. The suit they had made for me was all black with a slight glimmer that matched Lizzie's dress. Underneath I wore a black lace bra that was see through enough that you could see my nipples and the piercings that shone through them. My hair I left down and in its natural curls, simply diffused and scrunched. For makeup they had performed a small cat eye with an inner corner and a pair of fluffy lashes that made my eyes more narrow and fox like. As soon as I was dressed and happy with my appearance, I walked back towards my girlfriend who held her hand out for me. With a small laugh, I took her hand and squeezed it three times, joining her in front of the camera.

"You look fucking gorgeous," she exhaled, looking up at me sweetly.

"I'd love to kiss you but your makeup took nearly three hours," I laughed.

She hummed and nodded with a small nose scrunch.

"The dress is beautiful, you look incredibly sexy," I added, my hands now on her hips as the camera flashed in front of us.

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