Nine days

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"It's only nine days," Lizzie giggled, wiping my eyes as she was leaving today.

We had spent nearly everyday together for the past week together and every day that drew closer to her flight back to LA, I grew a little more sad and anxious.

"I'm really going to miss you," I whispered.

"I'm not dying baby," she laughed, "I'll be back home to you in just over a week."

I hummed a yes and nodded, cupping her cheeks.

"I love you Elizabeth," I informed her.

"How much?" She smiled.

As my lips curled into a smile, I took her pinkie in mine and bought them to my lips, kissing her knuckle softly.

"That much," I whispered.

She hummed and nodded, pushing our lips together emotionally. Both of us sniffling into the space between us. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and she granted me access straight away, sighing heavily into my mouth and only pulling away when we both ran out of breath. She leaned her forehead against mine and left a final peck on my lips.

"Text me when you land," I requested.

She nodded and pecked my lips again, "have a good Christmas."

"Wait!" I realised, leaving her where she stood in my doorway and ran back into my bedroom, getting the neatly wrapped box and handing it to her proudly.

"Oh my god yes," she giggled, pulling a small bag out of her bag and handing it to me, "for you."

"Thank you," I smiled, "don't open it until Christmas."

"Yes mom," she laughed, "call me when you open it? We'll do it on FaceTime?"

"Okay," I whispered with a nod, "have a good week, okay? Say hi to everyone for me."

"Likewise," she smiled, "will Scarlet and Jessie still be here when I come home?"

"Maybe, I'll let you know," I nodded, "you need to go before you miss your flight."

"Yeah," she smiled sadly, standing on her tiptoes and pecking my lips a few more times, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smirked, leaving a final kiss on her forehead as she walked off and I closed the front door.

Seconds later there was a rapid knock on the wooden entrance. I giggled and opened it to Lizzie's face again.

"Forgot to say," she smiled, cupping my cheeks and kissing me harshly.

I groaned and kissed her back with the same level of passion, our tongues mingling in the space between our lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck as mine pulled her closer by her hips. Reluctantly, she pulled away and out of my grasp, running back down the hall.

"I LOVE YOU," she shouted form the end of the hallway by the elevator.

"Have a safe flight," I giggled, waving her goodbye as the doors opened and she stepped in, blowing me a kiss, "I love you too," I mouthed.

She gave me a wink and finally the doors closed. With a sad smile, I closed my front door and backed away until the kitchen to make a start on cleaning for when Scarlet arrived. As soon as I pulled out the hover, my phone started ringing and I knew exactly who it was before even running across the apartment to fetch it.

"Miss me already?" I smirked.

"Says the one who was crying all morning," Lizzie giggled.

"Shut up," I laughed.

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