With you

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"Vanessa's really pretty," Lizzie told me quietly as we entered my apartment the night after dinner.

I looked over and watched her slip off her coat and her shoes as I did the same. Furrowing my brows slightly, I put Lizzie's car keys in the bowl and shook my head.

"So are you," I reminded her.

She smiled sadly and shook her head, "not like her. She's young and she's full of love and life and ... I can't compete with that. I'm 28 and I've been engaged twice, married and divorced and that's only in the last five years."

"I think you're pretty full of love and life too," I replied.

She exhaled shakily and bit her cheek as she took out her earrings and looked into my eyes with a wobbly chin.

"I'm not though," she whispered with a shoulder shrug.

"Lizzie," I sighed, walking toward her and cupping her cheeks, "you're drop dead gorgeous and you're lovely and you mean a whole fucking lot to me."

"She can give you a much better life," Lizzie frowned, closing her eyes as a few tears fell down her cheeks.

"I don't want that life," I admitted, "I want a life with you, however that looks."

She opened her eyes and exhaled a deep shaky breath, "I-"

"No," I smiled, "I don't want to hear it. You're amazing and I love you for you. I don't want you to be anyone else."

She sniffled and nodded. Smiling at her, I leaned down and kissed her lips softly as she stood up further and kissed me back with the same softness. I gently wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her deeper, running my tongue across her bottom lip and letting it dance against her own, she exhaled shakily and pulled me slowly towards my bedroom. With a smile, I kicked open the bedroom door and started unbuttoning her top from behind. Kissing my lips and then my cheeks and then my jaw, Lizzie moved her kisses to my neck and kissed it harshly as I slowly removed her shirt and unclipped her bra. She smiled against my skin and helped me push it off her arms, her breath hitching when I carefully cupped her breasts. I smiled and bit my bottom lip, releasing a small moan when she sucked lightly on the spot under my ear.

"Liz," I exhaled.

With a smirk, she moved her own hands to undo my belt, sliding it off my body and then untucking my top. She pulled her lips away briefly to pull it over my head, humming slightly when she realised, I wasn't wearing a bra. I bit my bottom lip and sat down on the end of the bed, grabbing Lizzie's hand and pulling her on top of me. She shook her head slowly and unzipped her jeans as I placed my hands on her hips, watching her get undressed until she was stood in front of me in a pair of small black lace pants. With a small smile on her lips, she unzipped my jeans as I lifted my hips up off the bed and helped her pull them down, leaving us both in our underwear.

"God, you're stunning," I whispered, letting her push me backwards until I was in the middle of the bed.

She bit her bottom lip and straddled my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me slowly and sensually. Breathing heavily into her mouth, I closed my eyes and placed my hands on her thighs, letting her rock her hips to meet the movements of mine. When she rested down on my hip bone, she let out a gentle moan and scratched the back of my head. I pulled my lips away and watched her sweet green eyes meet mine. She smiled slightly and moved her hips with such elegance it made her head roll the side and her grip on the back of my head tighten.

"Bottom drawer left hand side," I whispered.

Lizzie furrowed her brows and climbed off me with shaky legs, walking towards my bedside drawers and laughing out of her nose when she stood back up, holding a plastic dick.

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