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"Are we going to make out on the side of the road all night?" Lizzie mumbled on my lips.

I laughed out my nose and shook my head, "come on then."

She giggled and followed me inside my apartment building. As soon as the doors to the elevator shut, I pushed her up against the wall and she let out a small moan at my dominance. Attaching our lips again, I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and felt her smile into my mouth as we made out sloppily like a pair of kids. When the door opened, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the hall. With shaky hands, I put my key in the door and pushed it open. As I locked it behind us, Lizzie wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder, placing soft kisses on my neck. I hummed and turned around, looking down at her dark eyes as I pushed her jacket off her shoulders. She smiled and helped me, pushing mine off too. As she stumbled backwards, slipping off her shoes as she went, I let out a small giggle and pushed her up against the floor to ceiling window in the lounge. Pushing our lips together again, she breathed heavily and started to unzip my trousers to take off my body suit. I bit down gently on her bottom lip and she let out a soft moan. Smirking, I moved my lips to her neck and kissed it harshly, not hard enough to mark but enough that she could feel everything I was doing. I make quick work of removing her top and unclipping her bra, leaving her naked from the waist up.

"Y/N/N," she growled.

I hummed against her neck and hooked my fingers under the waist band of her trousers. She helped me out and pulled them down her body, kicking them out of the way. When I next pulled away, i looked down at her body with a proud smile and ran the tips of my fingers over her curves. With her breath increasing the lower I got, I moved my hands back to her face and cupped her cheeks. She wined slightly and I smirked, pushing our lips back against the other slowly and sloppily. I carefully slotted my thigh between her legs and tensed it beneath her core. Letting out a shaky breath into my mouth, she slowly began to rock her hips against my muscle. I could already feel how easily she was sliding down my leg by how wet she was.

"Bedroom," she mumbled against my lips.

I smiled and grabbed her hands, leading her back to my bed and pushing her down as I pulled my body suit over my head revealing my bare chest that was hidden underneath.

"You're perfect," Lizzie whispered with a smile.

Smirking, I pulled down my trousers too and hovered over her body again. With my hands on either side of her head on the mattress, she sat up slightly and kissed my lips again.

Removing both of our underwear, she flipped us over so she was on top and straddled my lap, her wet core dripping down onto my lower stomach. I sat up and kissing her lips harshly, our tongues meeting right away. She exhaled out of her nose and wrapped her arms around my neck, keeping our lips connected as she rocked her hips slightly. I placed my hands on her thighs and rubbed up and down harshly, squeezing the skin as I went. When one of my hands reached the arousal dripping out of her, I ran my forefinger through her folds and she exhaled heavily, nodding her head for me to continue. With a smirk, I circled her swollen clit lazily before moving further down and pushing one digit inside her. She let out a quiet hum and rocked her hips again to meet my movements. With our lips still connected, I slipped in another finger and held them still for her to ride at her own pace. After not long at all, her hips picked up and when I curled my fingers, she moaned delicately and rested her forehead against mine, her arms still around my neck and making our breasts brush together.

"Harder," she whispered between us.

I smiled and pecked her lips lightly, making her smile too before I curled them quicker and harder, hitting her soft spot every single time. Lizzie sealed her eyes tightly and cupped my cheeks as she threw her head back and moved her hips quicker, chasing the high I had been teasing since we had been in the theatre.

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