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"Why is it you're friends with all of your ex-girlfriends?" Lizzie asked me, fixing my necklace around my turtleneck.

"It's massively unintentional," I informed her, "Vanessa is genuinely an amazing person and Natasha is ... a good person too. If it makes you uncomfortable, I can cut off Nat, but Vanessa and I have a lot of history."

"I'm not going to make you cut people out of your life because of me," she giggled, placing her hands on my chest, "as long as they're all just friends, I don't mind."

"They are," I nodded quickly.

"Then we're okay," she smiled shyly, "are you ready for this?"

I shook my head quickly and pushed some hair behind her ear as I released a shaky breath.

"I'm with you the whole time," she replied, "anything you need, tell me and if you want to leave at any time, tell me and we'll-"

"Okay," I exhaled, "I could really do with a drink."

"You don't need it, baby," she assured me, "look at everything you've accomplished being sober ... you don't need a drink."

I nodded quickly and closed my eyes, reaching for her hand and squeezing it tightly. She smiled and squeezed my hand back, once, twice, three times.

"Okay, let's do this," I smiled back.

"Okay," Lizzie exhaled, grabbing her coat and opening the front door, "is this a bad time to say I'm too anxious to eat anything?"

"Yeah," I giggled, "but me too."

"Hey, at least we're both anxious messes now," Lizzie smirked, looking up at me.

"Oh god, you remember that?" I laughed.

"I remember everything about us Y/N/N, it feels like a lifetime ago, but I remember it all," she smiled, stepping into the elevator and pulling out her car keys.

"There is a lot I would've done differently," I admitted.

She shook her head, "not me, everything happens for a reason, right?"

"Right," I nodded with a small smile.

"Come on then, time for dinner," Lizzie smiled back, quite literally dragging me towards her car and unlocking it.

"Can I get aux?" I asked as we both got into the four-by-four on separate sides of the car.

Lizzie giggled and handed me the aux chord as she started the engine and did up her seat belt.

"This song reminds me of you," I smiled.

My baby takes the morning train
He works from nine to five and then
He takes another home again to find me waitin' for him.
My baby takes the morning train
He works from nine to five and then
He takes another home again, to find me waitin' for him.

I looked over at Lizzie as she drove with a. smile on her lips, her hand slowly finding its way to my thigh and settling comfortably a little too high for my liking. Smirking, I grabbed her hand and moved it a little lower. She looked over at me innocently and rubbed her thumb back and forth on my leg as we drove down the road. I was wearing a long sleeve black turtleneck and a pair of dark blue mom jeans whereas Lizzie was wearing her white shirt worn backwards and a pair of black mom jeans. Both of our hair was down and covering our faces to hide from all the potential paps walking the streets of New York. I thought we were safe until I caught a flash out of the corner of my eye when Lizzie was parallel parking in Times Square.

"Did you see that too?" she asked me, turning off the car.

I hummed a yes, "we're so fine, just keep your head down and I'll lead you towards the restaurant."

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