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"Baby," Lizzie whispered, gently playing with my hair as she woke me up.

I hummed and buried myself deeper into the crook of her neck.

"Can I have a cup of tea please," she smiled against the crown of my head.

"I'm asleep," I told her with a smirk, "make your own tea."

"Please, I just came on my period and my stomach hurts," she replied.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, looking up at her as she smiled down at me with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Five more minutes," I told her.

She nodded and cupped my cheek, bringing our lips together in a brief kiss, the softness of her lips making me smile.

"How did you sleep?" she asked as I lay my head on her shoulder and yawned.

"It was very peaceful until a few moments ago," I smirked.

She hummed and nodded again, "the world's awake so I'm awake."

I laughed out my nose and placed my balled-up hand on her chest lightly, my leg dangling over her body.

"Do you still want to come to the Love & Death premiere on Saturday?" She yawned.

I nodded quickly and looked up at her again, "are we flying there then?"

"How else would you like to get to Texas?" She smirked.

"Shut up," I giggled, squeezing her body within the walls of mine, "you think you're such a smart ass sometimes."

"I actually am, I'll have you know," she laughed.

"I hate you; I hope you know that," I smirked, rolling on top of her and placing my hands on either side of her head.

"Oh, I know ... how much though?" she smirked back, sitting up slightly and exhaling a shaky breath onto my lips.

"Shut up," I smiled, pecking her lips and rolling off her.

"Um, where are you going?" she asked, reaching to grab my hand as I pulled away and shrugged my shoulders playfully.

"I have tea to make," I told her, sticking my tongue to the side of my cheek and giving her my middle finger.

"Fuck you Y/N/N," she laughed as I walked off backwards, an amused curl on my lips.

As I descended her stairs into her kitchen, it was about two minutes before she followed me and sat down on the kitchen side next to the kettle, watching me silently as I stirred the tea bags in our mugs.

"Can I help you, Olsen?" I smiled, looking up at her.

She shook her head slowly, pushing my stray hair behind my ear and then gently resting her hand on her thigh.

"The weather's quite nice today," she mumbled, picking up her mug and wrapping her hands around the ceramic.

"It's about 8 degrees Celsius," I smirked.

She hummed and nodded, scrunching her nose with the sweetest smile, "do you want to sit in the garden while I do some gardening?"

"Mhm, I don't know," I joked with a smirk.

"Stop being so fucking stubborn," she giggled.

"Never," I smiled, sipping my tea whilst moving to stand between her bare legs.

"When I'm with you, I feel like I'm a teenager again," she told me, sipping her own drink, her cheeks flushed and my t-shirt hanging off her slim build.

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