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Today was the day Lizzie flew to LA for her court meeting regarding the divorce. She had been anxiously making random crafts out of anything she could find since late last night. She hadn't slept a wink and was now sat next to me as we waited for an Uber, her eyes wide.

"Do you want anything?" I asked quietly.

She turned to look at me and shook her head before leaning it in my shoulder.

I had taken the next week off work to be with her in Los Angeles because when she thought she was going on her own, she had a huge breakdown and practically begged me to come with. So, I booked a flight then and there as Lizzie booked our Uber. I hadn't been to LA since my fight with Robbie if you can call me punching him in the face a fight, so I really didn't know what I would be doing while Lizzie was in court. However last night she turned to me and the dark and ever so delicately asked me to come with her. She said that she doesn't even think she can be in the same room as him without having a panic attack and that she needed me to calm her down.

"Are you sure?" I checked, her hands shaking in my hold.

She hummed a yes and let out a shaky breath, "I'm just anxious."

I nodded in understanding and placed a kiss on the top of her head. She hummed and closed her eyes just as there was a car horn noise outside her house.

"That'll be the Uber," she decided, standing up with a yawn and grabbing the suitcase.

"I'll take that," I told her, taking the case and letting her out the door first.

"Let's do this," she exhaled to herself, stepping out of the door and walking towards car.

I locked her front door and followed through, getting into the next seat in the car, the one in the middle so Lizzie could lean on me if she needed. The airport was a good 45 minutes from her house outside the city, so we had a relatively long drive ahead of us. As soon as the car moved off, her head was on my shoulder again. I rested mine on top of hers and closed my eyes, linking our fingers together in her lap.

"It's going to be okay, you're so nearly free," I reminded her.

She hummed and nodded.

"We'll have a nice evening tonight and then tomorrow you only need to think about the divorce for two hours," I added.

She nodded again.

"I'll make you a lovely dinner afterwards and then you can eat a whole tub of ice cream," I smiled.

She laughed out her nose and nodded once more, "I'm really tired."

"Sleep," I mumbled, "I'll wake you when we get to the airport."

"Not that kind of tired," she sighed.

I nodded slowly and placed a kiss on the top of her head, holding her close as we drove silently to our plane - Be My Baby echoed through the radio, Lizzie quietly humming along.

"I want a baby," Lizzie whispered, linking our hands together and rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand.

"I know," I smiled slightly.

She nodded in response and closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath and slowly, finally, drifting off to sleep.


"You may all be seated," the judge smiled, "this is a formal ending to the legal marriage between Mr Robbie Arnett and Mrs Elizabeth Arnett. Do both parties agree to this divorce?"

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