Day after

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"Auntie Y/N/N!!" Jessie giggled at the bowling alley as he tried to line up his shot, "you're going to ruin my shot."

"I'm helping you, pretend I'm not even here," I smirked, squatting down to his level and placing my hands on his, "look forward at the pins, okay."

"What are the pins?" he asked me.

"The bowling sticks," I corrected with a laugh.

"Okay," he smiled, looking down at the pins, "I'm ready."

"Okay, three, two, one," I whispered, rolling it with him and watching as it travelled down the lane and hit down the rest of his pins all at once.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed, turning around and jumping into my arms, "you're a superstar."

"You're the superstar buddy," I giggled, kissing the side of his head, "go sit with Auntie Lizzie while I beat you."

"You can't say that," he told me, his hands on his hips.

"Tell your mum and I'll tell her I saw you eating crisps before dinner last night," I smirked.

"Fine ... I hope you miss," he smiled proudly.

"Go to your aunt, you little shit," I laughed, pushing him away as I grabbed my bowling ball.

He giggled and ran off, jumping onto Lizzie's lap as I lined up my shot and knocked down all of the pins in one hit.

"Killed it," I muttered to myself, walking back toward my family with a smug smile.

"Have you always been so good at everything?" Scarlet asked, standing up to take her shot.

"Always," I smirked, sitting down next to Lizzie and placing my hand on her knee as Jessie jumped off to watch his mum take her shot.

"Everything you do is so fucking sexy," Lizzie muttered, turning to look at me with a small smile, "the veins in your arms properly pop out when you hold a bowling ball."

"You're so gay," I smirked, pecking her lips.

She hummed and nodded, pecking them again and again until out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a flash.

"Fuck," she mumbled against my lips, "that was a camera, wasn't it?"

"It's okay," I assured her, "we're having a good day, don't let them ruin it."

She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder, linking our hands together. Letting out a shaky breath, I kissed the top of her head and squeezed her hand three times. She laughed out her nose and squeezed it back just in time for the end of the game. The scores flashed up on the screen and I watched Jessie look up, waiting to see my name at the top of the board but when I appeared second, he turned to look at me and smiled, knowing he had won.

"I did it," he exhaled, "I finally beat you."

"So, you did," I smirked.

Scarlet subtly handed me a £10 note and mouthed a thank you as Lizzie giggled and shook her head, letting go of me so I could pick up my Godson.

"Ice cream?" I asked him.

"Hot chocolate," he decided as his prize.

"Hot chocolate, I can do that," I giggled, walking back over to Lizzie and Scarlet.

Lizzie shook her head at me, a serious look on her face as Scarlet had her phone in her hand, staring down at the screen.

"What?" I asked quickly, Jessie still sat on my hip.

"It's-" Lizzie began.

"Harry," Scarlet finished in a whisper.

"Is Daddy coming home?" Jessie beamed.

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