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"I want to wear her initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck," Lizzie sang in mumbles as she folded my washing at the foot of my bed, "not because she owns me-"

"Because she really knows me," I ended with a smile, "I can fold my own washing baby."

"I want to do it," she smiled over at me.

"But you don't have to," I giggled.

"Shut up, I like doing stuff for you, let me do this," she laughed, "do you want a cup of tea?"

"I'd love a coffee from the shop round the corner," I smiled sweetly.

"I'm not leaving the house to get you a coffee, you can have a coffee machine coffee?" she giggled sweetly.

"Yeah, that'll do," I nodded smugly, my eyes jumping back to my laptop to finish what I was writing on the latest book report for work.

"Have you finished your work yet?" she yawned.

"Almost ... why?" I chuckled.

"Because I need a shower and I want you in the shower with me," she replied as if it should've been obvious, "can I put your clothes away?"

"If you must," I smirked, watching her pick up my folded washing and open my wardrobe with her feet.

As she stacked up my jeans, she giggled slightly and turned around with my strap on in her hand.

"Why would you keep this in the wardrobe?" she laughed.

"Because I didn't have room in my bedside drawer?" I replied as if it should've been obvious.

"What if someone else was to go through your wardrobe?" she asked, shutting the doors and joining me on the bed with the plastic dick in her hand.

"Why would anyone else be in my room, let alone my wardrobe?" I giggled.

"That was a good answer," she nodded slowly, looking down at it, "it's very realistic, isn't it."

"Is it?" I smirked, closing my laptop and looking over at her.

She hummed and shook her head, "not really no."

I giggled and took it from her hand, examining it more than I ever have before.

"Where do you buy shit like that?" she asked.

"Why are you so curious?" I replied.

"Because I want one, is that a suitable enough answer?" she smirked.

"Yep, I think that's a great answer," I nodded slowly, "you can buy them wherever you buy your vibrators."

"Urban Outfitters?" she asked.

"Urban Outfitters?" I checked, "you buy your vibrators at-"

"Online," she nodded, "they do the job."

"Okay I'm going to buy you a proper vibrator," I decided, "put my dick back in the wardrobe."

"Do you own a vibrator?" she asked, standing up and putting it away as I asked.

"I do," I giggled.

"Can I have it?" she smiled.


"Is it in your drawer?" she added, opening the drawer next to me and pulling out the little device.

"Stop going through my sex toys," I laughed, wrapping my arms around her waist and tackling her to the floor.

"Y/N/N get off me!" she chucked as I straddled her body and pinned her hands above her head.

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