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"Fucking hell," my girlfriend smiled, tracing her eyes over my body the night of the gala.

I had bought a pair of black oversized suit trousers and a matching waistcoat. Underneath was a simple collared shirt with the buttons undone down to the start of the coat. My hair was down and in its natural curls and for makeup, I kept it simple with a black eyeliner wing that made my eyes look narrower and more defined. Lizzie's jaw was basically ok the floor as she stood in front of me wearing a black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps, her hair in natural beach waves and her makeup simple as ever with a small glimmer on her eyelids and a faint brown eyeliner wing. Her lips were coated in a clear gloss much like mine.

"Do you think it's too ... booby?" I asked her, looking down at my breast that were slightly on show by the low cut top.

She hummed a no and stepped forward, looking directly at my breasts before slowly moving her eyes back to mine.

"It's the perfect amount of booby," she smiled, her hands on my chest.

"Not too unprofessional?" I checked.

"No, you look hot," she decided, her eyes back on my breasts.

"That's not what I asked," I giggled, "and my eyes are up here," I added, placing my finger on her chin and making her look back to my eyes.

She hummed and nodded, "you look professional."

"Good," I smiled, pecking her lips lightly, "we should get going so we're there before everyone else."

"How many drinks are the cap?" she asked.

"Six," I told her, "you're welcome to have mine as well."

"I do not need twelve drinks at your work event," she giggled.

"Actually yeah don't do that," I laughed, unlocking my car and opening the passenger side door for her.

"Thanks," she blushed, climbing in and watching me climb around to the drivers side.

Neither of us had been on social media since she posted her photo of me earlier in the week. I have had many messages from people I went to uni with and especially Scarlet who felt insulted she didn't know about this before the internet did. Telling her I would make it up to her, I accidentally invited her and her child over to New York for Christmas and offered to pay for their flights. Lizzie spoke to her manager that night who wasn't pleased with her post but was happy that she did what she did. Although we haven't seen it directly, apparently there are more positive than negative comments so that's all that mattered. Tonight was the first time we would be seen together as a couple since the post; basically, it was almost guaranteed there were going to be comments made and articles spread.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me.

"For what?" I furrowed my brows, turning my eyes to her briefly before looking back to the road.

"What people are going to say," she confirmed, "I am."

"Tonight or in general?" I pushed.

"Both?" She decided.

I shook my head in response, "people can say all they want, I know you love me and that's all that matters."

"Do the people at work know about me?" She asked.

"Some do," I smiled, placing my hand on her thigh and squeezing it reassuringly, "it's going to be a good night but if you need to leave at any point, let me know, okay?"

She nodded and gave me a sad smile, placing her hand on top of mine and holding it tightly in her anxious grip.

"Is that where we're going?" she widened her eyes.

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