4.3 - Which company has the best mining technology?

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How come this person doesn't even recognize a popular dish like tomatoes? Which ravine is this? Besides, I'm dressed like this. People who don't know think I've traveled through time... Wait a minute, time travel?

Lin Haotian suddenly stopped chewing tomatoes, looked at the person opposite and swallowed, "Excuse me... this year is 2017, right?"

2017? What the hell!

The middle-aged man looked sympathetically at Lin Haotian, who seemed to be a little confused and dressed strangely across from him, and said kindly: "This will be the first year of the founding of the People's Republic of China."

The first year of Jian Yu? Just kidding, this is definitely a joke!

Lin Haotian endured the trembling in his heart and asked: "Which company has better mining technology?"

"?" Digging? technology? What?

"The king of heaven covers the tiger of the earth, and the chicken is stewed with mushrooms?"

"??" He knew both Xiaoji and Dunguogu, they were from the same village, but... who were Tian Wang and Ge Dihu? From the next village?

"Beijing welcomes you......."

"???" Who is Beijing? Why welcome him? Is it from the next village again? Middle-aged man looks confusedJPG

In the middle of the night, Lin Haotian's roar came from the mountains, "Help!!!!"

I don't want to travel through time, I want to go home, I want to go back to the 21st century! ! !


"So that's it. Does Mr. Lin have other relatives?" The middle-aged man hugged his steel fork.

Lin Haotian shook his head, "They are not in this world." In another world.

Even if he couldn't accept it anymore, Lin Haotian could only accept the blow of this reality, and he traveled through time.

No wonder he was gone for three or four days and there was no cell phone signal. It's just that he is different from other people's souls. He is directly transported into this parallel space.

Lin Haotian casually made up some nonsense about his life experience. All the robbers he met on the road died, and now he was the only one left. In a hurry, he strayed into the mountains and lost his way. He easily gained the trust of the middle-aged man.

The other party also told him some situations outside, and combined with the historical data in his mind, Lin Haotian found that he was in an imaginary world. Except for the extra weird setting, it was a very ordinary ancient feudal society. There is imperial power, there is the army, there is war, there is the ordinary.

At this moment, Lin Haotian was a little confused. What should he do?

In the 21st century, he is just an ordinary nine-to-five white-collar worker. He owns an apartment, owns a car, and leads a petty bourgeois lifestyle. He is not yet married and has enough to support himself. He occasionally travels to find hidden things in the streets. The delicious food in the alley, but now it has traveled through time?

As a white-collar worker whose work is inseparable from computers, what can he do in ancient times when there was no electricity at all, let alone computers, and history in his mind was not useful?

In reality, the middle-aged man thought that everyone he was referring to was dead, so he could only offer condolences to him. He accidentally glanced at the red fruit in the black cloth belt of the other party, and said in wonder: "It turns out that there is someone in our village who has tasted that. Have you ever tasted it?" The poisonous green fruit cost me half my life, how come you didn't suffer anything from eating the more poisonous red fruit?"

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