3.16 - That indescribable study

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Just when the air in the living room was about to completely freeze into dead silence, the intermittent ringing suddenly came. Deng Lixuan raised his head slightly. The sound came from the study.

Thinking about the phone, Deng Lixuan got up and prepared to go to the study first. As soon as he passed by, he heard a soft voice behind him.

"Brother...I have something...to tell you."

Deng Lixuan paused and said, "Come to the study and talk." After speaking, he kept walking.

Chu Jingran missed the study very much. The last time he played on the office chair was so good that his legs went weak.

After Deng Lixuan answered the phone, he turned around and saw Chu Jingran standing uneasily in front of the study door. Thinking of Yang Chen'an, Deng Lixuan's eyes darkened a few degrees.

However, she was too naive to fall in love with him. Now that she can see her true heart clearly, then...

Chu Jingran, who had been half-hanging his head and thinking about it all the time, suddenly felt a burst of incense at the tip of his nose. He looked at it secretly out of curiosity. It turned out that Deng Lixuan had lit the incense burner not far away from the desk.

This incense burner was given by Deng Anran before, saying that incense can refresh the mind, and he also gave a lot of spices to Deng Lixuan, but Deng Lixuan rarely used it.

After Deng Lixuan finished burning the incense, he turned to face Chu Jingran who was not far away, "What do you want to tell brother?"

Chu Jingran curled up his white fingertips as if he was a little uneasy. After more than ten seconds, he said carefully: "Brother... I have decided... in a month... to go abroad with Chen An."

After hearing all the words clearly, Deng Lixuan's face darkened, and then, a voice containing overwhelming anger sounded, "No!"

Chu Jingran took a breath and forced himself to calm down: "I...can't do anything, and there is a brother in the company...My wish...is very small, I just hope...to be with the person I love, for the rest of my life." ."

Chu Jingran's words were explicit and sincere, but they made the anger in Deng Lixuan's heart run up several steps. He used all his strength to suppress his thoughts of imprisoning the young man completely, and said in a deep voice: "Beloved? Ranran pointed out Yang Chenan?"

Because of the mention of true love and the fact that Deng Lixuan would be 'normal', a satisfied smile broke out on Chu Jingran's always anxious face, and he nodded.


Seeing the young man nodding with sincere happiness, Deng Lixuan suppressed the dark emotions in his heart and said, "What about him? Does he love you?"

Chu Jingran nodded without hesitation and saw Deng Lixuan suddenly stood up and said, "If he loves you, why would he sleep with someone else in private?"

Chu Jingran's expression froze, and he was about to retort when Deng Lixuan continued: "If he loves you, why does he never come to visit Deng's house? If he loves you, why do I see him hugging different people many times?"


"Does Ranran think that brother will lie to you? Ranran doesn't believe what he says?"

Chu Jingran's breath tightened when Deng Lixuan continued: "Do you know how many people he has dated before? Does the company really have so many overtime shifts? Do you know how much private property he secretly has?"

Every rhetorical question made Chu Jingran hesitate. He wanted to answer, but he found that he couldn't answer any of these questions. He didn't understand Yang Chen'an's past, he didn't understand Yang Chen'an's company, and he didn't know anything about it. His secret private property, whether he has a so-called mistress, it seems that in his world, he only knows that he loves Yang Chenan very much, and as for the rest... nothing.

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