Valentine's Day Plans?

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Caitlin knew Katie had been a little off all day, but hadn't said anything yet because she knew Katie would come to her when she was ready. Well at least that had been Caitlin's plan until Katie had been tossing and turning for the past hour causing Caitlin to keep waking up.
"Katieeee" Caitlin moaned slightly annoyed.
"Oh!" Katie said slightly surprised, "im sorry I thought you were asleep" she continued a little sheepishly.
"It's okay just try to sleep okay?" Caitlin responded a little gentler than before.
"Yeah okay sorry baby"
Not even 30 seconds later Katie spoke up again, " actually im going to go downstairs and watch some tv. I don't want to keep you up."
This concerned Caitlin because out of the months of dating Katie had never done this before. She quickly grabbed Katie's arm and pulled her back down on the bed.
"What's wrong Katie?"
"Nothing Cait. Just go back to sleep. Im really sorry I woke you." Katie said giving her a kiss on the forehead.
But Caitlin read right through her and ended up moving her body so she was laying on top of Katie now allowing her to get up. "Im not moving until you talk."
"Mhmm how can I talk with you on top of me like this?" Katie said trying to lean in to kiss her, Caitlin pushed her back.
"Nope stop deflecting. What's up?"
After staring into Caitlin's bright blue eyes for a few seconds she finally caved.
"It's stupid okay?"
"Nothing you have to say is stupid. And clearly it is bothering you. Please let me help."
Katie suddenly became very shy. "I uh well I guess I was wondering how did you and Lia handle Valentine's Day? Like did you both plan something? Or just one of you set something up?"
"Is that was this is all about? You want to plan something for Valentine's Day?" Caitlin said with a smile
"See I told you  it was stupid. Let's just drop it." Katie said trying to roll away from Caitlin.
"No. It's not stupid. Let's talk about it." She said holding Katie back in spot. " it doesn't matter how me and Lia handled it. It only matters what we want to do. Did you have something planned already?"
"Uh not really just something really small. I didn't know if you did already and I didn't know how to ask so I just have been over thinking it all day." Katie said embarrassed. Which for Katie is very rare. She usually has more confidence then anyone Caitlin has ever met.
"Well how about this. Every year we can both plan something one person plans something small and the other plans a bigger date and we will switch. Since you already have something in mind for the small one I'll take the bigger date night. Does that sound okay for you?"
"Yeah that sounds great actually." Katie said blushing
"Good! Now next time no matter what it is just come to me and talk about it. I hate to see you lose sleep over something like that okay?"
"Yeah okay. I just wanted to make sure our first Valentine's Day was perfect."
"Darlin you are all I need for it to be perfect"
"I love you Cait"
"I love you too" Caitlin said with another kiss and finally rolling off Katie just to pull her into her chest to cuddle. Katie fell asleep peacefully minutes later and Caitlin smiled as her girl snoozed peacefully.

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