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Katie and Caitlin had planned to meet up with Viv and Beth to go for a walk (with Myle of course) and kick the ball around in the near by park. The morning was cloudy and overcast so good weather for some joggers and a hoodie.
They met up with the other couple, grabbed a coffee and got a good walk in before heading to the park to kick the ball around.
As they made their way to an open lawn area they started passing alot of people that recognized them instantly. Some probably recognized Myle before any of the girls to be honest. They took a few moments to take pictures and sign autographs before heading off and making it known that they were just trying to enjoy their day off. That didn't mean they were t being videoed and having their picture taken though. Which still was uncomfortable for all four girls.

As time at the park went on the weather somehow completely changed. The sky cleared up, the sun was out, and the temperature was rising. That combined with the light activity they were doing was causing all of the girls to break a bit of a sweat leading them to take off their jackets and sweatshirts and just play in the tshirts they had underneath. All except for Katie. The most unlikely of the group to keep layers of clothing on her body. There was a reason for this. One that only Katie knew and wasn't exactly ready to tell anyone in her group because she didn't want to get made fun of. The problem was she had Caitlin's jersey on underneath. Katie liked to wear it sometimes which just brought comfort to her especially while she was on international duty. She didn't know why she had it on today when she was literally with Caitlin but they had shared a really sweet night together the day before and Katie just wanted to stay as close as possible to her.
Caitlin didn't know about this and just assumed she had lost one of her shirts somewhere along the way during her international travels. Katie sure didn't want Beth and Viv to know. Beth would blab it to the whole team to embarrass Katie which in turn would get back to Lia. Not that Lia and Katie didn't talk anymore, but Katie was never trying to rub it in her face she was dating her ex.
She thought for a minute that it would be so bad and she could swear them all to secrecy, but then she remembered the fans all taking pictures and that would just start a Twitter and tiktok frenzy. She also didn't want to take both her shirts off and just be in a sports bra for the same reason. Plus they were at a public park and didn't think it was exactly appropriate to have her shirt off. So she was stuck. And starting to sweat. A lot.
"Katie babes you're like dripping sweat take the hoodie off" Caitlin laughed at her
"Nah I'm good"
"McCabe wearing layers?! You've gone soft on us" Viv joke, quickly followed by Beth yelling, "yeah I thought the cold felt you!!"
Katie tried to just brush it off but the temperature was getting to her and she could tell her cheeks were getting red from both heat and embarrassment.
Caitlin could tell something was up immediately because Katie looked like she was scrambling for a comeback when usually she was really quick with her sarcastic replies. "You good Katie? Just take off the jacket you're gonna overheat especially with how red your face is." Caitlin had said it out of concern but it only added to the problem.
"I uh think I should just head home. We've been out here for a while and I'm feeling a little sick and dehydrated. Sorry guys" Viv and Beth gave each other a weird glance before nodding and telling her to text when she got home.
Caitlin gave her a look but decided not to say anything else before heading pick up her things. "Oh Cait you can stay if you want. I didn't mean to make you leave early. I'm good getting back by myself."
"No Katie you don't feel well of course I'm coming with you."
Katie felt guilt that her little white lie was causing her girlfriend to miss out on her fun but nodded anyway. They walked back in mostly silence. Katie still uncomfortably hot even after rolling the sleeves up as high as they go. Caitlin asked her if she was okay a few times during their walk home which was only a few minutes away luckily. Katie noticed some people on the street staring at them as they walked which was just confirming that she couldn't take off this hoodie until she was home.
As they entered their front door and closed it behind them Katie didn't care if Caitlin found out the reason anymore or not she needed to get this thing off of her and ripped her shirt and hoodie off leaving her in just her sports bra.
"Thank god finally" Katie said to herself as she headed to grab a few ice cubes to put on herself.
"What is going on why are you being so weird right now?" Caitlin asked perplexed by the exchange clearly seeing that Katie wasn't sick.

"You are going to make fun of me." Katie said half laughing at herself from embarrassment already. "I couldn't take off my jacket because I had your jersey on underneath. And I pretty much overthought the entire situation when it started getting hot out. But I didn't want Beth to make fun of me and pass it around the whole team. I didn't want fans taking pictures of it since we haven't "hard launched" yet as the fans keep telling us. I couldn't exactly be half naked in a public park with a bunch of kids so I had to just sweat!" Katie says very animatedly
Caitlin stared at her a second before busting it laughing. "God we really need to announce our relationship don't we. Omg this is so funny"
"Shut up I told you you were going to make fun of me." Katie responded with a pout.
"I'm sorry baby" Caitlin said walking over to give her a kiss. "I would love to see my jersey on you though. Although you in a sports bra isn't half bad either." Caitlin took the jersey from Katie's hand, "hey this is the one I was missing!"
"I know" Katie said looking down at her feet, " I bring it with me when I go to camp and wear it to bed usually. I just kinda wanted double you today so I put it on."
Caitlin's eyes softened as she put a finger under Katie's chin to bring her eyes back up to meet hers.
"I love that you do that. And I'm going to request an Ireland jersey so I can do the same." She said leaning in to kiss her. "And can I add that a fantasy of mine is you in my jersey with nothing else on."
Katie's eyes sparkled. "I think I can make that happen for you one of these days."
"I'm looking forward to it." Caitlin said with a wink and another kiss 

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