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Caitlin was convinced Coopur hated her. Katie thought she was crazy. Caitlin had met Cooper a few times before the pair started dating but didn't notice anything odd about the cat. It wasn't until she started coming around Katie's more often that she started to notice that this cat definitely did not like her.
It started with little things like leaving the room when she would walk in, little hisses when she would try to pet him, giving her death glares from across the room.
Katie had just laughed it off for a while until it started interfering with their relationship. One afternoon Katie was straddling Caitlin's lap making out with her when she noticed Caitlin suddenly stopped.
"What's wrong?"
"Cooper is staring at me and he looks like he wants to claw my eyes out"
"Babe seriously? Your hot girlfriend is straddling your lap and you are paying more attention to my cat halfway across the room."
"I'm sorry you're right come here" Caitlin said grabbing the back of Katie's neck.
That satisfied Katie for a second until she realized Caitlin still wasn't into it as much as she usually was.
"Okay enough of this. Cooper does not want to kill you" Katie said getting up to grab her car and bring him to Caitlin. "Now see he's calm. Just pet his head"
Caitlin looked a little nervous but reached her hand out slowly. Almost instantly Cooper let out a hiss that even Katie hadn't heard before.
"Cooper! No!" Katie scolded him while giving Caitlin a 'damn you might be right look'
"See Katie! He hates me! He's like a child of divorce and I'm the evil step mother."
Katie couldn't help but laugh at the comparison. "He will come around I promise. Won't you my sweet boy" she said in her baby voice and let him curl up next to her. Making Caitlin uncomfortably shift to the end of the couch.

The next few weeks were more of the same with no improvement between Cooper and Caitlin's relationship.

One night after a game that Katie didn't particularly play that well and she was just feeling overwhelmed with everything going on and important International games coming up she just felt the need to let some tears out. A good cry was all she needed. What she didn't expect was Caitlin to surprise her was some takeout and movie night. They weren't supposed to hang out tonight so seeing her girlfriend with a sweet surprise at the door was enough to bring even more tears to her eyes.

"Katie darlin what's wrong?" Caitlin said as she quickly made her way into the house, put the food down, and ushered Katie to the couch to sit down.
"Tell me what's wrong" she said while pulling Katie against her so she could rub her back.
"I really don't know. I just needed a cry. Today just didn't go my way. I felt overwhelmed with everything. Just a lot of pressure today I guess. And then you were so sweet with the surprise I couldn't stop."
"That's okay. We all have days like that. Just cry as much as you need and if you want to talk about it we will. If not, then it's a good thing I got your fav food and a dessert."
Katie smiled through a few sniffles, "food first?"
"Food first. Stay here baby"
Caitlin came back with both of their plates of food, put a movie on, and wrapped a blanket around the two of them. Making sure basically have Katie sit in her lap to be as close as possibly to keep reassuring her girl that it was okay to cry.
After the finished eating dinner and dessert, Caitlin wrapped her arms around Katie and pulled her back into her chest. What she didn't expect in a million years though was for Cooper to jump on the couch and curl up right in her lap. Giving her a small stare first before putting his head down and going to sleep.
"I guess Cooper finally approves of you" Katie laughed. "I can't believe this is happening" Caitlin joked, "I got Prince Coopers approval!"
"Well when you treat his mom like a Queen then he has to approve."
"Well I would do anything for you my Queen" she said kissing Katie's hairline. "And the little prince is kinda cute when he doesn't want to claw my eyes out."

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