Secret Wedding and Speeches

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After two years of dating, Katie had proposed to Caitlin. They kept it a complete secret except from their families. Not even their friends knew. But here they were at a small venue in London with just their two families. Which was about 90% mccabes and the rest being from the Foord clan but it was exactly what they wanted.
Jamie was Caitlin's maid of honor and as tradition holds, she got up to give her speech during the reception.

Jamie's POV

"Hello all I have a bit of an unusual presentation here so if you wouldn't mind all turning your attention to the screen over here I have some photos and videos to show." Jamie didn't fail to notice Caitlin's eye roll in preparation thinking she was about to be embarrassed by what ever was going to be shown.
As the first photo of Caitlin at about four years old dressed up in an all white dress as her and Jamie played a pretend game of having a wedding Jamie began her speech.
"Growing up as Caitlin's older sister I've been able to witness all stages of her growth and understand of what it meant to have feelings for someone, to understand what love is, how to find love, and how to love someone. It started way back when would play pretend and Caitlin wanted to be the bride, although her tomboy side hated putting the dress on, but she didn't it anyway. At the time she was pretending to marry some handsome young stud, but over the years that dream quickly changed to a bit more feminine." Which got the crowd laughing.
The pictures then flicked through a series of showing the teenage years and school dance photos that all matched up to ages of which Jamie's stories were about.
"But I was there for her first crush, first kiss, first girlfriend. Even though we aren't that far apart in age watching Caitlin grow up was something I took for granted during the time, but looking back at it now I'm unbelievably proud of her and how she did so having to grow up quicker than most with her progression in soccer. But I might be most proud of her as she discovered and navigated her love with Katie."
The next picture was a snip of a text conversation between the sisters. 
C: Katie's coming over for dinner tonight. I want to tell her I feel but I'm terrified
J: just drop some hints see how she responds
C: it's not that easy Jamie! She's my best friend I don't want to ruin it
J: well stop freakin out you're going to scare the girl away. Just act normal and if the moment is here just let her know. Better to risk something not going your way than never telling her.
C: alright I'll see how this goes

C: (two hours later) she feels the same way :)

"As you can see our normally confident Caitlin had her moments and was a little nervous! I'll never forget the excitement in her voice as she told me about their first official date. Their trip to Ibiza. First kiss and maybe first for something else too that we won't mention here." Jamie said winking towards the couple who both turned red and then giggled at each other.

Another quick video showed Caitlin in her family home after dating Katie for a few weeks, she was on the phone with her girlfriend outside and her smile was visible for miles. In the background you can hear Jamie and her mother talking.
"Caitlins going to marry that girl." Their mum said.
"You think?"
"Yeah a mother always knows. Look at her. She's blushing and giddy and she's just on the phone. Girl is beyond smitten."
"You might just be right mum"

A series of videos played next that showed candid moments of Katie and Caitlin that neither girl knew existed of different times in Australia or when Jamie had previously visited London. Moments of them giggling together, walking hand in hand, Katie asleep in Caitlin's lap, and Katie giving Caitlin a hug and spinning her around after not seeing each other for a little while.
"I knew Caitlin had found her girl just based off of how Caitlin talked about her. She'd never talked about anyone else like that. But seeing them interact was just confirmation. They simply just work together. So so well. There is no one in this world that makes Caitlin's face glow as bright as when she sees Katie except maybe Peach, but I think Katie can accept being second to that cutie."

The next photo showed a screenshot of a FaceTime call with Katie who was showing the ring she had just bought and explained how she would propose.
"One of the happiest days of my life will be when I learned I will be getting another sister. When Katie FaceTimed me one day, I was a little confused, but when she explained her plan to propose and if I gave her my approval I have never been happier. I've always been. Protective big sister, and wouldn't just allow anyone to be in my sisters life the rest of her life, but there's no one better to do than Katie."

"I hope you two have a brilliant, happy, and long life together. There will be ups and down but there's no one who deserves all of this happiness more than you two. And I can't wait to be apart of your lives and see where this journey takes you."
Katie and Caitlin both had a few tears in their eyes as they got up to give Jamie and hug.
"Thanks Jamie. That video was the best gift you could have given me." Caitlin whispered in her ear.

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