Observant Teammates

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No matter how well Katie and Caitlin thought they had hid their initial flirting which led to a relationship they hadn't hid everything. No there teammates were much more observant than either of the girls realized. But they thought if anyone found out that news would have spread throughout the whole team. There's usually no stopping women from gossiping. But that was not the case this time. Each observation was kept secret. Maybe it was to benefit their friends and let them come forth when they were ready. Maybe it was because whatever it was between the two girls that was forming seemed real and genuine and no one wanted to ruin that for them. Either way the observations indicating that there was potential they were more than just friends started soon after Katie's breakup. 

Viv's POV
April 2023

The girls had just got back from having a few days off and the gym was loud. Although I'm usually a quiet person, having spent all my time recovering in the gym because of my ACL I enjoyed having all the girls back. It was too much to be all alone for so long. Today I was particularly looking forward to training with my favorite Irish girl. She's my opposite but we work well together and today I was in need of Katie's energy to get me through another grueling gym session. However when I saw my friend walk in with dark circles under her eyes and a frown that was sure to reach the bottom of her chin soon I realized that she might be more in the need of me than vice versa. I had no idea what was wrong. Katie quietly made her way over to the corner of the gym where a small weight rack was located. She didn't announce herself like usual. No she was quiet and put her headphones in to draw as little attention as possible.
I slowly made my way over to her and waited for her to turn around to give her a small wave. She returned it but the smile left her face almost immediately.
"What's up Katie?"
"Just long weekend. Trying to get weights over and go home you know"
"Are you sure something isn't wrong? We can talk somewhere else?"
"Thanks for the offer. I'm all good Vivi" Katie said smiling softly again before putting her headphones back in. Katie never hid feelings really, not with her at least. But I hate when people push me to talk, so I decided to give her space. I moved away but kept an eye on her. It was about 10 minutes later I noticed a certain Aussie make her way over and gently touch her shoulder. Katie immediately leaned in for the hug and seemed to relax for a second. Clearly comfortable with Caitlin. But then after a few seconds, Katie's body started shaking, she was crying. Caitlin quickly escorted her out without anyone but me noticing. I didn't see them the rest of the day, but messaged Katie a few 100 times. Eventually she messaged me back and told me all about her and Rue breaking up and that Caitlin had been helping her through it. Bringing her food and checking in. I was happy that katie had Caitlin. I knew they were close and Caitlin would be supportive for her.

Steph's POV
May 2023

My locker was next to Caitlin's so I had seen the girls post practice routine more times than I can count. Grab shower bag, quick shower, throw on some joggers and slides, quick deodorant spray and off to lunch. Like clockwork. Every practice.
But today Caitlin surprised me. She was still at her locker when I came back into the locker room. I was busy talking with people and took longer than usual, so everyone was already in the cafe getting their lunch. The other thing that surprised me was that Caitlin was wearing jeans  and a nice shirt? And a little makeup? And earrings?
"Going somewhere Caity?"
"Oh uh just out to lunch with a friend" she said quickly with a little blush on her cheeks as she threw everything in her bag and headed to the exit before I could question her more.
A few minutes later a rushed Katie McCabe came barreling in from the shower area clearly just finishing up drying her hair as she threw her hair dryer in the locker. Katie was also wearing jeans. And a nice top. And some makeup.
"Where you off to McCabe? looking a little dressed up for lunch in the caf" I joked.
"Oh just off to lunch with a friend Steffy. But running late so gotta go!" Katie said quickly. I thought it was probably more than a coincidence they were both rushing off to meet someone for lunch, but thought maybe they were both meeting Jordan and didn't want Leah to accidentally over hear or something.

Teyah POV
August 2023

I was so happy to be back with the girls at the Adidas pre season camp. It was a good reunion to see everyone getting back from the World Cup. I was close with both Katie and Caitlin so I had gravitated towards them during free times. They were both their same happy and obnoxious selves  especially when they tried to act like my big sisters. But I noticed that there seemed to be a stronger pull between them. Like there was a magnet. They sat near each other more often than not. Katies hand sometimes briefly touching Caitlin's thigh when she was laughing about something. Caitlin seemed to always be coming back with two of something. Two water bottles, two trays of snacks. I had been sitting here the whole time I know Katie didn't ask for that but Caitlin always just seemed to get Katie whatever she would want without asking. My biggest shock came when I had come back from a walk. Was on the phone with my family. I thought everyone had gone out on their own or were at dinner until I saw Katie and Caitlin walking down the path that led towards a large wooded area with some small trails to walk. I was about to call out to them and join up, but then I saw Katie take Caitlin's hand. And Caitlin didn't pull away. Didn't punch her in the arm like I would have done.  No instead Caitlin smiled at her as they kept walking away from where everyone else would probably be.  Well that is certainly a development I laughed to myself thinking back to the World Cup drama that I had seen. Guess they are together. No longer my older sisters but now my parents. Couldn't wait to make fun of them when they finally told us.

Beth POV
October 2023

I had just made my debut back to the team. And got an assist to Alessia for scoring a late game winner against Aston Villa. All I wanted to do was celebrate with my team for the win but I was stuck doing interviews. As soon as I was finally dismissed I ran down the tunnel to try and get to the locker room as quickly as possible. Before I turned the corner I could hear some laughter that sounded like none other than a certain Irish girl in the hallway. I was about to scream out Katie's name, but for once I kept my big mouth shut just long enough to hear she wasn't alone. No she was with another person with a recognizable voice my CB.
"I'm so proud of you darlin what a banger of a goal"
Darlin? Since when does Caitlin call Katie darlin
"Couldn't have happened without you starting the play"

Well now my big mouth couldn't keep quiet anymore. I finally turned the corner to make my presence known and to announce that my assist led to the game winning goal and I hoped Caitlin was just as proud as me. Well that was my plan until I saw my two friends with their lips interlocked. I think my shock gave me way as I made a surprise sound which caused both girls to jump back in shock.
"Beth uh hi um" Katie full of confidence McCabe tried to Stutter out said.
But my smirk replaced my shock. "Congrats you two" I said instead giving them a wink as I headed past them. I could embarrass later. I just wanted to celebrate with the team first. Then i would thoroughly embarrass.

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