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Caitlin truly hadn't felt this confused about her feelings for a girl since the first few months after turning 14 when she met a new girl in school and got a weird feeling in her stomach when they hung out.  She didn't realize at that time that it was because she liked girls and thought this particular was pretty.  When she started to become quieter and hide in her room more her sister Jamie confronted her until Caitlin spilled everything and Jamie helped her figure out what she was feeling and why.  

Well now Caitlin was in her late 20s and single feeling very confused about a certain Irish girl. There was no Jamie to talk her out of her confusion right now as she stared across her shared room at said Irish girl getting changed for the beach.  The past couple of weeks Katie had been a little touchier with Caitlin and was sending some mixed signals. But Caitlin chalked it up to Katie also being recently single and just having free reign to touch and look at whoever she wanted. But there's no way she would want me.  We are best friends. Katie would never go for me.  Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that Katie had in fact caught her staring and called her out for it. Turning red instantly, she jumped off the bed and grabbed their beach bags ignoring Katie's laughs.  Little did she know though this gave Katie hope.  I think she was actually staring at me. Maybe she does fancy me. Maybe I should make a move. 

The internal thoughts of both girls left them awkward around one another. No one else noticed except for Jordan who was the closest to both of them.  Jordan had suspected something was going on between the two or that they at least wanted something to happen but hadn't made any moves.  After experiencing how weird they both were on day 1, she had come up with a plan to get the girls alone on day 2.  After forcing everyone in the group to take shots at the beach bar, in hopes to loosen both girls nerves, she found ways to drag away all of her other friends.  Only leaving the three of them laying in the sun.  Jordan didn't miss Katie's wandering eyes and Caitlin walked towards the water.  Jordan then claimed she needed to go back to their house because she was hungry.   

"Oh do you want Cait and I to come with? I could probably use some food too."

  "No no no you stay here and wait for her. and Katie.."


"Tell her what you feel.  I can guarantee you she feels the same."

Katie's mouth dropped as Jordan scurried away as quick as possible. Leaving only a few moments for Katie to compose herself and take another shot as Caitlin made her way back.  Well she composed herself the best she could but seeing water drip down Caitlin's abs did something to her, something she would turn bright red admitting. 

"Where did Jordan head off too?" Caitlin asked unaware of Katie's heart rate sky rocketing.

"Oh um she uh went to get food."

"Oi she didn't invite us! I'm starved imma call her and make her wait for us."

"No! I mean um would you mind sitting a second?"

"Okay? Sure what's up chick?"

"Well I don't know the best way to say this so im just going to blurt it out and hope I don't want to drown myself in the water afterwards."

"What do you mean? Just say it" Caitlin laughed but deep down she prayed Katie was going to say what shes been trying to say for weeks.

"You've always been my best mate, but I don't know there is just something about you that I can't put in words. Like when I am around you I never want to leave. When we aren't together I miss you.  I think you are beautiful. I know there's probably no chance you feel the same, so I'm going to stop talking now." Katie said quickly. There was so much she wanted to say, but the nerves were over taking the most recent shot of liquid courage.  

Caitlin was silent at first letting the words shes been dying to hear soak into her.  She had never seen a vulnerable Katie McCabe before but god did it make her heart swell for the girl even more.  Caitlin also knew they had a lot of talk about, but decided that Katie took the first step to declare her feelings, she should be the one to initiate the first kiss.  

Katie was still looking at the ground really contemplating getting up and drowning herself because Caitlin was taking forever to answer. She still hadn't heard any response yet, but instead felt a gentle hand grab her chin and slowly pull it to Caitlin's not even an inch away from her at this point.  

"I feel the same way" Caitlin whispered as she slowly leaned in to kiss Katie.  It was a slow kiss but it was everything.  When they both pulled away there was a new sparkle in both of their eyes and a light shade of pink on their cheeks, and it wasn't sunburn.  

Not wanting to ruin the moment with a "so what now" talk. They both laid down and held hands as they lightly giggled to themselves and squeezed their fingers together.

Coming back to the villa later that day, Katie gave Jordan a wink and mouthed a "thank you." 

Comment if you want an Ibiza part 2?

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