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Warning!! Some mature content!!

Both girls loved and hated international break.  Being from countries that were clear across the world it was almost a given that they wouldn't be close to one another for a week or two and most likely the time zones would be so different that even talking on a normal basis would be hard to do.  Lately for Katie, leaving for international break was even harder.  She used to love her time and feel so free. But now with captain duties plus having to deal with Ruesha's antics and team dynamics still slightly unsure of how to deal with both of them team camp sometimes felt more of struggle than anything else.

Caitlin on the other hand got to hang out with her two best friends in the world, she loved going on camp, but that didn't mean she missed Katie any less.  It felt like as their relationship continued to grow the more inseparable they became. Which is why the day they were both supposed to head off of on their respective trips did they find each other in bed still. Perhaps a little worn out from a morning 'cardio' session, but none the less clinging to each other like their life depended on it.  

Katie's love language had always been touch. Caitlin's hadn't but she realized early on that hers had changed to be that too once she started dating Katie. She craved to touch Katie at all times something she didn't normal feel in relationships. 

"We should really get up and make breakfast" Caitlin whispered

"Ugh I know, but I don't want to. Just wanna be with you." Katie said back not even hiding her sensitive side.

Caitlin agreed with her but still managed to sit up, not releasing Katie's hand and went over to her side of the bed to pick her up causing Katie to shriek.

"Ah Cait! Where are we going we don't even have clothes on!"

"We are going to cook breakfast and that's the point I plan on getting some dessert afterwards" She said hitting Katie's bum as she carried her down the stairs. 

Setting her on the counter, she made her way to the fridge to grab some eggs avo and toast.  She handed Katie a bowl and the eggs.

"Here sous chef crack these for me" Katie giggled as she took what she being given.  The pair laughed as they prepared breakfast together.  Then once completed, Caitlin stood between Katie's legs as they fed each other.  After the last bite, Caitlin leaned in to give Katie a kiss. The kiss got heated quicker than either expected and Caitlin soon found her hand in between Katie's legs with two fingers pumping in and out of her.  Caitlin then leaned in to give a few hickeys to Katie's chest, obviously nothing visible to the public, but to anyone in a locker room with Katie it would be very visible, especially a certain ex. Did Caitlin do this on purpose? Maybe? Did she care? Not at all.

Katie was sensitive from earlier this morning so it didn't take her long to build up that familiar feeling again. When she had recovered Caitlin picked her up again and plopped her on the couch.  Both girls sad for the brief separation as Caitlin went back to clean up the kitchen.  

But Caitlin came back quickly and laid on top of Katie who had her arms out ready to hold her girl close.  They turned on a show while Katie drew small circles on Caitlin's back resulting in both girls falling asleep since they were so content.  

They woke up later and went up to pack together and then feeling lazy and still not wanting to put any clothes on ordered takeout to be delivered. As the day continued they got clingier, if it was even possible, just knowing that they wanted to get in as much time together as possible.  

Caitlin noticed Katie's mood fading as it was getting close to the time the should go to sleep. Caitlin would have to get up at 4 am for her flight, so they wouldn't be saying too much tomorrow morning.

"What's up chick?" Caitlin said rubbing Caitlin's cheek

"It's pathetic, but I really do struggle being away from you. And I know you'll have a good time with Lani and Macca so I'm happy that at least you'll be happy."

"You have Grace and Denise and Anna will be there now! You will be back representing your country.  I know you love that."

"Yeah I do. But idk it just feels like when we are apart a piece of me is gone. God I sound so soft."

Caitlin gave her a loving kiss. "I feel the same. I love you so much softy. And you know you can call me night or day. If I don't answer I promise I will call back as soon as possible."

Katie looked around the room for a second as if trying to build up some nerves. 

"I um got you something stay here a second." Katie said quickly getting up to grab a small box and then returning.

"You don't have to wear this obviously, but I got you a claddagh ring. The gold version of mine.  I just thought you might like one too, but if you don't want to wear it public I completely get it."

"Katie. I love it, thank you so much its beautiful! And of course I'm going to wear it silly girl, I am so proud to call you mine of course I'd want to show that to the world."

"Love you Cait"

"Love you more, now score a banger while your away yeah?"

"Only if you do too."


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