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Caitlin usually didn't get bad periods. She usually had maybe a day or two of cramping but nothing unbearable. But today was a different story. It was 5 am in the morning and Caitlin woke up with pain shooting up her back,through her stomach, and down into her thighs.
It took her a moment to realize that the sheets around her felt sticky and wet. She took a quick peak and noticed she had bled through her shorts and into the sheets.
God she was embarrassed. She hadn't done this since maybe 13 or 14. And to make matters worse she was in Katie's bed right now with her girlfriend wrapped around her like a koala.

She tried to slowly unwrap Katie from her waist without waking her up, but she was unsuccessful.
"Cait what's wrong" Katie asked in her raspy morning voice
"I um need you to get up a minute please. Just need to change the sheets" Caitlin said trying to keep the tears in and not show how embarrassed she was.
Katie of course noticed the shake in Caitlin's voice and knew something was wrong.
But before she could push further, as she leaned over she felt the reason Caitlin needed to change the sheets. But Katie didnt give any sign of disgust. No she only felt the need to want to help Caitlin.
She grabbed Caitlin's face to keep her from getting up. "I'll change the sheets, let's get you in the bath first okay?" Caitlin nodded as Katie kissed a single tear that fell down Caitlin's cheek.
Katie quickly got up and turned the bath on to get the water warm. Then came back to help Caitlin up and into the bath. She made sure Caitlin was comfortable before going off to get her new pajamas, throw the sheets in the wash and change the bed.
She came back to find Caitlin curled up holding her knees tight to her chest clearly in pain. Katie quickly discarded her clothes and crawled in behind Caitlin.
"What are you doing? I'm gross the water is gross"
"Cait- you are beautiful. Being on your period does not make you gross. This does not disgust me. All I care about is making you feel a little better. I would like to give you a back and shoulder massage if you feel like some physical contact will help."
Caitlin gave her a little nod. And Katie moved her hands up to Caitlin's shoulders and started rubbing circles which seemed to make Caitlin relax a bit. She continued the motion until Caitlin's head was leaning back against Katie body. Allowing Katie to kiss her forehead and cheek gently.
Eventually they got out of the bath and Katie handed Cait her new clothes. They climbed back in to bed and Katie maneuvered Caitlin to rest on her chest as she brushed her fingers through her hair.
They were able to get a few more hours of sleep in before they had to get up for practice.
"You sure you're okay to practice?" Katie asked as they drove to the field.
"Yeah I'm all better thanks for your help this morning. Thanks for taking such great care of me."
"Of course baby. I always will" Katie said kissing Caitlin's hand.

Just a short one today :)

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