Little McFoords Pt 2

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Lila and Ameila were active little girls and always wanted to be playing something. Not really surprising given who their mothers were. But now that they were 6 years old entering their first year of school the girls were put into every activity. They started with dance class, but Lila hated the pink tutu which obviously led Ameila to hate it more.
They had a basketball course in their athletic class in school, Lila was quite good at it but Ameila kept putting the ball on the ground and kicking it, clearly confused that a sport with a ball wasn't meant to be kicked.
Katie and Caitlin didn't want to just put them straight into football and give them a chance to try other things since both of their daughters were so familiar with football already.
But after every new activity either one or both of the girls would come home and ask when they could start football. 
So Katie and Caitlin caved and signed them up for their school club. Since they were still young they had to join a boys league as the girls didn't have a team for girls that young.
Of course they all kicked a ball around before, having two mums who played professional football gave the girls some pretty good teachers. Based on their personalities, they expected Lila to be more of a defender since she was like Katie in every way and Amelia would be a forward.
So it was to both of their surprises when they picked the girls up from their first practice and asked how it went
"I'm a goalie!" Lila yelled
"And I'm center mid!" Amelia said proudly
"And Lila has a boyfriend!" Amelia said looking at her sister with a sneaky smile
"You said you wouldn't tell!" Lila replied angrily

Both Katie and Caitlin had to pick their jaw off the floor.
Finally Katie got it together enough to respond, "honey what do you mean you have a boyfriend. Aren't you a little young?"
"No im not." She said crossing her arms proving to be as hardheaded as her Irish mum
"Well why don't you both tell us everything that happened at practice." Caitlin tried to say calmly
So Lila started with her detailed summary of the day.
"Well Amelia and I started passing when we got there and we were doing the big passes mummy just like you taught us! But we were the only girls and the boys thought it would be funny to kick the ball at us. But I caught it and it was a good catch! Then the coach asked how I learned to do that and I said Auntie Macca taught me. So he took me to the goal and I caught everything! Then this boy named Jordan said he could score on me and I said no he couldn't. And I was right! He didn't score mama! And then he said I'm good at football and I should be his friend. So I said yes and now I have a boy friend."
Katie and Caitlin took a relaxed breath that based on the story it sounds like Lila just had a friend that was a boy and not a boyfriend.
"Sounds like you'll be a great goalie lili! We can call Auntie Macca and tell her later how does that sound!?"
"Yay!! She's going to be so happy!"
"What about you Amelia? How was your practice?"
"After I did big passes with Lila I went to shooting drill but while I was waiting for the other boys I dribbled around a cone. And the other coach thought it was good dribbles so he asked me what other dribbles I could do and I showed him I could dribble with my left foot too and kick it between both feet like auntie Lauryn showed me. And then we played a game and I slide tackled the boy just like mummy used to do. But he said I couldn't do that until I was older. I don't get why I can't do that. But he said I could be the next Kim Little but I said I wanted to be like Auntie Lauryn."
Katie thought her heart might melt hearing her daughter look up to her aunt so much. Lauryn was now in the wsl following in Katie's footsteps, but to Ameila, Lauryn was the coolest person that ever existed. And Katie loved the Lauryn would take her nieces on to the field anytime they went to watch her play a game.
"Well guess we have two aunties to call tonight then. We are proud of you Amelia! But your coach is right no slide tackles until you are older okay?"
"Okay mummy!"
Both girls were satisfied with their tales of the day as they sat down to eat their dinner. Meanwhile Caitlin was looking at ordering a pie of very small goalie gloves and Katie was drawing up a drill the girls could work on for Ameila to dribble and shoot at Lila.
Maybe they wouldn't be Caitlin and Katie 2.0, but they knew their girls would pave their own way. But they were even happier that their daughters both had other role models to look up to too.

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