Awkward Encounter

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Katie and Caitlin had been have a fun day together. They started off with a light jog around the park and then did some shopping around St. Albans. Eventually they both got Hungary and ended up walking past a little cafe that caught her eye.
"Let's go in here. Looks good!" Caitlin said turning to walk in the door.
Katie looked a little hesitant, but agreed.
"Yeah haven't been here in a while, but it is good!"
They both went in and ordered sandwiches and chips, but Katie added a secret off the menu dipping sauce she said is delicious and that Caitlin must try it.
And Katie was right, the sauce was absolutely delicious, in fact Caitlin asked for a second serving.
The pair was having a great time laughing to one another about god knows what when Katie's face suddenly dropped as she saw who was walking through the door.
They were sitting near the cashier so there was no hiding as Ruesha appeared to pick up her takeout order.
Caitlin was about to turn and see what was causing Katie distress, but before she could she heard Rueshas voice and had to grip the chair to stay calm
"If it isn't the lovely couple" Ruesha said sarcastically, "never thought I'd see you in here again Kates"
Caitlin rolled her eyes at the nickname that she didn't think Ruesha should be able to use anymore.
"Just go Ruesha. We don't want to start anything. Just get your food and go." Katie said trying to remain as calm as possible. This was only the second time since the World Cup that the three had been in the same proximity. The other being the famous cup game on Valentine's Day, but everyone had successfully avoided each other. It appeared now that even after a year they still couldn't coexist all together.
"Oh and what would the fun in that be? Haven't talked to my least favorite Aussie in a while. How's it been going girlfriend stealer?"

"You know we were having a great time actually until you showed up. Maybe you should listen to Kates and leave."

Katie was immediately nervous at the clear tension between her ex and girlfriend. She was genuinely worried someone was going to get punched in the face  but to her surprise Ruesha seemed to be obliging after a very obvious eye roll and puff of her chest she had made moves to leave. That was until her eye caught something on Katie and Caitlin's plate.
"The sauce Katie? Really the fucking sauce? Did you tell your new toy about the story behind it? Or did you pretend there was no backstory and this was a random discovery for you."

Katie paused and her eyes flickered between anger at Ruesha for exposing her and worry that Caitlin would be mad.

"Unbelievable." Ruesha said laughing, " but does make me happy Foordy over here seemed to enjoy it. She's going to hate it now."  And with that Ruesha walked off laughing.

Katie waited for her to officially leave before looking back at Caitlin who had taken the sauce cup off of her plate and pushed it towards Katie.
"Explain" she said sternly.
"Cait it's not a big deal"
"Apparently it is! I'd love to know why a cup of sauce in my possession made your ex laugh in my face. And if you don't tell me you can blame the massive argument we are going to have on this damn sauce."
"Can we at least go outside? Go on a walk or something?" Katie asked nervously.
"Fine. I'll wait outside you're paying" Katie nodded and got up to pay as she sighed realizing how pissed off Caitlin currently was.

"Start talking"
"Um okay well Ruesha and I used to go to that cafe a lot. The old owner was this older guy who we really got on with. Would always talk to him when we went and such. Well fast forward to about a year of us dating. We were walking home from somewhere I don't even remember, but it was late. It started pouring outside and we were soaking wet. Well we had dipped into the alley near the cafe for a few minutes just to get out of the rain. One thing led to another and we making out and about to have sex. The owner came out to throw some trash and caught us. He was yelling he was going to call the cops until he saw our faces and started laughing. Told us as payment for having to witness what he saw we had to help him with his secret menu item he was working on. Said he's been staying late trying to perfect this new sauce.
So we went inside the kitchen with him. Tried all his variations and gave him our opinion. When it was finally perfect he said no matter if he dead and gone this sauce will always be a secret menu item we just had to ask. We finished up that night cleaning the kitchen for him and Ruesha and I danced around the kitchen claiming that that would always be our sauce. So yeah. That's the story of the sauce."

Caitlin was silent for a while processing that.
"So let me get this straight. You thought it was a good idea to not speak up when I said to go to that cafe. A good idea to order the sauce and then let me get some as well. And what you just weren't going to say anything? What if I wanted to go back next week. Maybe make it our thing. Were you going to go along with that and pretend like nothing happened? Were you thinking about her the whole time?"

"Hadn't quite got that far Caitlin. Come on you were already halfway in the door when you said you wanted to try the place. Couldn't exactly stop you. But yeah maybe I shouldn't have got the damn sauce. But I wasn't thinking about her at all. You know what was thinking about? How you would really like the little bit of honey in the sauce because you love a little sweet aftertaste in your foods. I was thinking how the angle you were sitting at in the cafe allowed for the sun to perfect skim across your face and make your eyes turn into that crystal blue that I love so much. I was thinking that it was absolutely insane that such a simple day could be so perfect and that's only cause I was with you. So no Caitlin I wasn't thinking about Ruesha. Or the meaning behind that place. I was thinking about you. The whole time."

Caitlin finally stopped walking and turned towards her grabbing her hand and finally making eye contact.

"I'm not sure how you talked yourself out of that one darlin but god I love you more and more every day" Caitlin said leaning in for a kiss that Katie happily returned.

"We are never going back there though. And tell me next time you have some crazy backstory with your ex before you introduce me to know things."

"Deal on both." Katie said giving Caitlin another kiss.

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