Toddler Madness

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On the final day of Katie and Caitlin's visit to Ireland they decided to spend the whole day at Katie's house. Most of her family was planning on coming over in the afternoon so Katie prepared Caitlin to be ready for a packed house. After an early morning workout and brunch with a few of her siblings Caitlin and Katie went back to shower and take a quick nap. Cozying up in Katie's childhood twin bed made both of the girls laugh at their current predicament. To get comfortable Katie basically maneuvered them so that Caitlin was half laying on her. Somehow this was comfortable enough for both of them to quickly fall asleep.

That was until Caitlin felt something poking her cheek. Opening one eye she was met with two little boys staring at her with wide eyes clearly unsure who this person was on top of their aunt.
"Hello there!" Caitlin said cheerfully
"Who are you?" One of the little ones said
"I'm Caitlin. What's your name?" she said sitting up slowly to not wake Katie up. 
Ignoring her question, the other little boy looked around her to sleeping Katie "we wanted to play with Aunt Katie."
"Hmm well she's sleeping right now, but I'll play with you."
The two boys looked at each other before nodding and grabbing Caitlin's hands to pull her downstairs. Caitlin was quickly met with three other little girls who were in the middle of having a tea party. One of the slightly older girls must have realized who she was because she quickly announced to the other two little girls that "Katie's girlfriend came to play with them!"
"No Caitlin is playing with us!" The boys yelled back
Sensing a fight about to break out between all of the cousins she tried to calm the tension.
"How about I play with all of you?"
The five kids looked skeptical but allowed Caitlin to try and prove she could do it.

Meanwhile Katie slowly started to wake up and quickly realized that her girlfriend wasn't laying on her anymore to her disappointment. She looked around the room and didn't see her anywhere so she got up to go find her. The position she found her girlfriend in was one she has wished she taken a picture of. Sitting on the floor, Caitlin was very occupied. In one hand she had a tea cup. In the other she was throwing a ball back and forth with the two boys. And sitting in her lap was one of her two year old nieces who was shoving a Barbie in her face.
"Are you lot having fun with Caitlin?" Katie said announcing herself which made her nieces and nephews very excited.
"Yes she's really good at tea party!" One of the three year olds said causing Katie's heart to swell.
Katie joined Caitlin and all of her nieces and nephews and silently played with All of them while observing Caitlin off and on.
Katie hadn't really seen Caitlin with many kids before and they hadn't had the 'do you want kids'   Talk yet since it was still somewhat early in their relationship. Katie wanted kids as soon as her career was over she hoped Caitlin felt the same way. Seeing how patient Caitlin was with them and how nicely she was playing with them made Katie think Caitlin might just be the perfect person to raise a little one with. She already knew Caitlin was a great family person based on time she's spent with Caitlin and her family and the way she got along with Katie's siblings. But dealing with toddlers was a whole other thing. And caitlin was passing with flying colors.
After some time had passed some of the toddlers were getting tired, two of which just ended up climbing into Caitlin's lap and falling asleep on her. Yep Katie was definitely getting baby fever. Noticing the tired kids, Katie's siblings slowly started to leave to get their kids home. Once her last nephew was leaving he gave Caitlin a quick hug and then turned to Katie to do the same. Still not mastering the art of whispering yet he basically yelled in Katie's ear, " Caitlin's really pretty"
"I think so too. She's the prettiest girl I know." Katie responded with equally bad whispering skills on purpose of course so Caitlin would hear.

Later that night when it was just the two of them again Katie grabbed Caitlin and pulled her close into her chest. Kissing her head, " you were really great with the kids today."
"They are cute kids" caitlin said drawing little circles on Katie's thighs. Katie decided to take a leap and hope it didn't backfire in her face. "Have you ever thought about if you want kids?" Katie said quietly.
It look Caitlin a minute to answer as she realized this was an important moment in their relationship.
"Yeah I do. I want to wait until I've retired, but yeah I do. What about you?"
Feeling an absolute relief come off her chest Katie smiled and eagerly agreed. "Yes me too! Same here!"
"Don't tell me you want 11 like you grew up with"
"Oh god no." Katie laughed. "Maybe 2 or 3?"
"Yeah 2 or 3 would be good" caitlin said smiling while giving Katie a tighter squeeze. They both stayed comfortably together and thought of their future together. Something not uncommon for either one. But this was the first time kids were in the day dreams too. 

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