The Moment

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Towards the end of last season with half of the girls injured there was a fair amount of players watching from the sidelines including Caitlin, Viv, and Beth. Despite the game being close and very stressful there were really only two things Caitlin could focus on. The first being how cute Viv and Beth were as a couple, how they cared for each other, the little touches, but more importantly how much she wanted that to be her with someone. And the someone happened to be the second thing she kept focusing on, a certain number 15.

Caitlin thinks deep down she always liked Katie more than a friend but never realized it or even thought about it because Katie was in a relationship and then Caitlin soon was in her own which quickly stopped any and all feelings for the Irish girl. But after recent developments which left both girls single those feelings came out and were undeniable. The problem was Caitlin wasn't planning on ever telling Katie.

Throughout the game as Caitlin sees Viv hold Beth's hand she takes a glance toward Katie and imagines that being them. As Beth makes Viv laugh, Caitlin smiles as she hears the Irish girls laugh in her head instead. When Arsenal scores and Viv and Beth hug each other all Caitlin can do is stare at Katie in hopes that she'll turn around after celebrating with the team on the field so Caitlin can get a glimpse of her smile.
She doesn't know how or when but she has completely fallen for the girl and she doesn't know how to get over her.

Viv, being Viv, and one of Katie's best friends noticed on the training grounds the past few weeks that Katie has been taking glances at Caitlin when she doesn't think she would notice. She thought nothing of it really at the time but observing Caitlin watch her and Beth and then zone out while looking at Katie she started to connect the dots. As Beth turned to talk to Leah and would be distracted for a few minutes Viv slid closer to Caitlin.
"You should tell her" Viv whispered quiet enough that know one else would hear.
"What? Tell who?" Caitlin asked a little confused.
"Tell her how you feel Cait" Viv said while nodding towards Katie on the field and giving Caitlin a comforting smile.
Realizing who she meant, Caitlin immediately blushed and tried to cover up her feelings.
"Oh no there's nothing I um yeah not sure what you mean Viv"
"Cait, she stares at you too. You don't have to ask her to be your girlfriend immediately just tell her what you're feeling. I promise it'll be worth it in the end and you'll be able to stop looking like a love sick puppy."
Accepting defeat and not trying to fight it, Caitlin took a deep breath, " don't you think it's too soon. She just got out of a relationship."
"Like I said just tell her how you feel. You don't have to act on them immediately. But I think you'll find she feels the same."
"What if she doesn't?"
"Then at least you tried and aren't going to have to ask 'what if'. Trust me it's worth it." Viv said reaching over to squeeze Beth's hand.

Caitlin was left in her thoughts for the rest of the game. Unfortunately Arsenal ended up losing a close game and Caitlin could see the disappointment on Katie's face across the field. All she wanted to do was hug her. As the injured girls made their way on the field, that was exactly what she did as she made a beeline for Katie.

The moment Katie was in her arms she knew she had to tell her. This feeling of Katie against her was all she wanted and Viv was right she didn't want to ask what if and miss out on this.
"Proud of you Kates. You gave it your all."
"We still lost though."
"That's football though you know that. Nothing more you could have done. Why don't you come to mine and Jordan's later. She's out tonight but I'll cook for you so you can just relax. You deserve it after that game."
"You sure? You should be resting too. You're hurt."
" I will after I cook how about that?"
"Yeah okay thanks Caitlin. I'll meet ya there after I shower and stuff."

Well now that Caitlin's heart rate was at about 1000 she made her way home trying to figure out how the hell she was going to tell Katie how she felt.  She cooked up some chicken veggies and pasta and was so lost in thought that she barely even registered someone was knocking on the door.

She opened the door to sad looking Katie with her hair down and it was starting to curl at the ends as she didn't dry it after the game.
"Hey come in I was just finishing up."
"Thanks. Sorry not sure how good of company I'll be I'm still upset."
"That's okay I get it. I wish I was out there with you guys today but you really did give it your all Kates."
They sat on the couch and ate the food Caitlin made. Katie actually smiled as she bit into the food claiming it was delicious.
They had Netflix on that kept Katie distracted but Caitlin couldn't tell you what was on. All she could think about was how to tell Katie. Once the show ended, Katie claimed she was tired and was going to go home and thanked Cait for the food.
"Wait!" Caitlin yelled as she watched Katie walk to the door
"You okay?"
"No I uh."
"Just spit it out Cait. It's just me." Katie laughed at the state of how anxious Caitlin looked.
Caitlin was trying so hard to form words but couldn't muster up anything. Katie became concerned seeing how hard Caitlin was struggling and came back over and sat closer to Caitlin on the couch and grabbed her hand.
"What's going on?"
The feeling on Katie's hand grounded Caitlin for a moment and she focused on that instead of looking at Katie's face.
"Katie I have feelings for you. More than just best friend feelings if you know what I mean."
Katie didn't release Caitlin's hand, but didn't answer right away. All Caitlin could think about was how she blew it. How the words that came out were so pathetic. She could have done better. Or maybe this whole thing was a terrible idea. Viv was wrong. Katie didn't feel the same way.

But then Katie squeezed Caitlin's hand.

"I do too"

Then the two made eye contact for the first time since the confession. Caitlin's worried face quickly had a spark and glow back to it. It was such a simple three words. I do too. But Katie felt the same way. God she could kiss Viv for convincing her to do this. No. No she wanted to kiss Katie.
As she stared into Katie's eyes she leaned forward slightly, " can I kiss you?"
"God yes I've been hoping for this for a while now."
And that was all it took for Caitlin to surge forward. After the initial few seconds the kiss turned into both girls just smiling and laughing against one another's lips before Katie wrapped her arms around Caitlin and hugged her closely before going back in for another kiss.
"I can't wait to figure this out with you." Katie whispered against Caitlin's lips as she pulled away but remained in a hug.

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