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Caitlin had visited Katie's family once before to watch Katie's game. Caitlin's visit was short at that time. She was able to meet everyone in her family but first meetings are sometimes nerve wracking. Especially when you're meeting someone with a family as big as Katie's. But with the first visit out of the way Caitlin was feeling a lot more comfortable.
Katie could already tell Caitlin felt a lot more at ease on the plane ride over by her demeanor.
Caitlin, feeling Katie staring at her, looked over and smiled.
"So what's the plan while we are there?"
Snapped out of her trance, Katie realized she'd been asked a question. "Oh well tonight ma is picking us up and is going to cook us some dinner. I think it'll just be Lauryn at home and maybe one of my brothers. Then tomorrow we will go to lunch with ma and some of my other sisters. And then I'll show you around Dublin. And we've got a reservation at a nice restaurant just me and you. And the last day we will do some St. Patrick's day celebrations and meet my friends at some bars. Sound okay?"
"Sounds perfect darlin. I'm excited to see your home. Didn't have enough time last time."
That made Katie's heart swell. She had loved visiting Caitlin's home she was really happy she cared enough to visit hers too.

Making their way off the plane, Caitlin quickly stopped in the duty free shop at the airport and picked up a bottle of wine she remembered Katie's Ma said she liked and they made their way to pick up their bags.
Katie noticed that the conversation between her mom and Caitlin was a lot more fluid and relaxed and she couldn't help but smile. Glancing over at Katie her ma gave her a quick wink and nod of approval after laughing at something Caitlin had said.
Once they got to Katie's house her ma said she had to finish up dinner and to go get settled.
Katie quickly took Caitlin upstairs to go find her little sister.
"Hello my little sister!!" Katie yelled as she jumped on Lauryn and tackled her to the ground.
"Get off!" Lauryn yelled as she got off the ground before giving Katie a proper hug and then giving Caitlin one too.
After a proper catch up they got called down for dinner and Caitlin brought the wine bottle. Which her ma really appreciated. Dinner went perfect as did lunch the next day. Even her one of her older sisters, who out of all of her siblings was the most protective of her enjoyed lunch with Caitlin. Getting that seal of approval meant everything to Katie.

As they did their sight seeing Katie was smiling at how much Caitlin seemed to be enjoying herself. Taking videos of every little thing. Wanting to take pictures in front of every landmark. And even convincing Katie to get their picture printed on top of their Guinnesses. Katie had thought it was corny at first but it really was quite cute and seeing how happy it made Caitlin was worth it.

They quickly went back to change into a nice outfit for dinner and made their way to a fancy steak house.
"You look beautiful tonight Katie"
"Stop you're going to make me blush"
"You're cute when you blush."
"Alright alright I'm stopping. Thank you for taking me here though. This place is delicious"
"Of course baby. Just wanted to treat you tonight." Katie said smiling and staring at her.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"It's Just I've really enjoyed having you here. You seem like you really have been enjoying you're time here."
"I have been! I love seeing where you're from. Why wouldn't I enjoy it?"
"I don't know I guess I just haven't experienced this before. Showing someone my hometown. Ruesha had obviously not needed to be shown around. So this meant something to me today and my family really loves you."
"Well I love your family and I love your country. Might just be my second favorite after mine." Caitlin said laughing
"Cheeky!"  Katie said grabbing her hand and kissing it. 
Making their way back to Katie's house they knew they couldn't do any extracurriculars in the house with her parents there but that didn't stop them from having a makeout in the bathroom. Unfortunately they thought everyone was asleep but Lauryn was still awake and walked in them.
"Seriously Katie! Lock the door if you're going to eat her face off."
"The door was closed! Knock!!"
Lauryn slammed the door shut and Katie rolled her eyes but quickly turned to finishing what she started with Caitlin.
The last day Katie and Caitlin got ready to go bar hopping with Katie's friends and one of her brothers. They had a great night laughing and joking all night. Trying to keep up with the Irish and celebrate a proper St. Patrick's day left Caitlin a little too drunk and resulted in Katie having to take her drunk Aussie home early.
"Sorry I got so drunk baby" Caitlin whispered in the taxi ride home while giggling and playing with the hem of Katie's shirt.
" that's quite alright we weren't going to be out much longer anyway." Katie said interlocking her fingers with Caitlin's to keep her from playing with her shirt.
"I had so much fun today!" Caitlin basically yelled now having no control on her voice level when she was drunk.
"I'm glad! I did too. I love hanging out with you."
"I love hanging out with you tooooooooo" Caitlin said touching Katie's nose.
"Alright drunky let's get you to bed" Katie said dragging Caitlin to her old room. Caitlin climbed right into Katie's side and quickly fell asleep. Katie kissed her head as she stared at her ceiling and just thought about her past weekend and how happy she was.

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