Little McFoords

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Sorry guys I just deleted the last chapter. Just didn't feel right to leave it up especially after Katie's snap to clear up the situation.
On to happier stories

After Katie and Caitlin retired they both decided that they wanted to have a kid. They knew it usually took a few round of IVF to get pregnant so they decided to double the chances and both go through it together. They wanted to both feel apart of the process so used the same sperm donor and Caitlin was surrogate for Katie's egg and Katie vice versa.

They were so happy when Caitlin was pregnant after the first round. Didn't believe it happened the first time around. Katie stopped treatment when she found out, but imagine her surprise when a week later she ran to the toilet and threw up. She took a pregnancy test a few days later and imagine the shock when she found out she was pregnant too.
They thought they were smart doubling their chances. Little did they know they both would end up pregnant at the same time.
Needless to say it was a bit of a challenge to get through pregnancy. Katies food cravings never matched up with Caitlin's. Katies hormones made her cry every five seconds and Caitlin's made her want to cling onto Katie all time. And don't even talk about building the cribs. They thought was a stereotype that building a baby crib was a challenge. No. Not just a stereotype.

They ended up giving birth just three days apart to two beautiful little girls.
Well here they are 4 years later. Two toddlers in the backseat screaming the lyrics to a Disney movie soundtrack as loud if they could while Katie and Caitlin drove them to the park.
Lila, Caitlin's lookalike and acted just like Katie where as Amelia was a carbon copy of Katie but was Aussie through and through. The couple joked that personality must have passed through the umbilical cord.

It was impossible to get Lila to sit down. Full of energy. Quick temper like her mam and oh so ever protective but was the biggest cuddle bug. Amelia was tough. Tough as nails. But more independent than her sister. She liked to play by herself sometimes much to her sisters annoyance. Amelia had a funny and dry sense of humor just like Caitlin.

Caitlin and Katie sat on the park bench talking about everything and anything as their two daughters ran off together hand in hand towards the slides.
Lila, being the more outgoing one, saw two boy slightly older than them and waved hi.
"Do you want to play with us? We are playing slides! And seeing who the fastest is!" She asked
"That's a stupid game" one of the boys said
"That's not nice! It's not stupid!"
"Yes it just like you!"
Amelia didn't like anyone calling her sister stupid. She didn't usually start the little disagreements between her and sister, but didn't mean they hadn't called each other some mean names. But she had never been involved in a situation where someone else was being mean to her sister. She didn't like that.
"Don't talk to my sister like that!" She screamed back as she stepped in front of her sister. By this point Katie and Caitlin had perked up at their daughter's voices.
But despite her tough act, the boys didn't appreciate that and pushed Ameila right over.
She fell backwards on her wrist which hurt a lot. But the girl was tough as nails and wasn't going to cry in front of them. But now Lila's protective side was coming out and she ran full steam ahead into one of them, tackling him to the ground. Before anymore pushing and shoving could occur Katie and Caitlin ran over and picked both of their daughters up from the ground and escorted them away from the area.

"Girls what's going on?! We don't fight!"
"They called Lila stupid!"
"And then they pushed Amelia over!"

Katie and Caitlin looked at each other. How do you deal with a situation where they were fighting to protect each other.
"Girls it's very good that you protected each other but fighting isn't the right answer." Katie said
"But mam you pushed the spurs player over." Lila said referring to a previous game. Caitlin and Katie had recently started showing the girls some of their old highlight tapes. It was always harder for Katie to argue with Lila since she acted so much like herself but had Caitlin's puppy dog eyes.
"Well I shouldn't have done that. Your mam got a yellow card and got in trouble for that. You don't want to get in trouble do you?"
"No" Lila said and frowned
"And Amelia you don't want to get In trouble either right? If that ever happens again you just use your words or walk away okay?"
"Yeah okay" she said while still holding your wrist.
"Honey does your wrist hurt?"
Amelia shook her head and nodded, still didn't cry surprising for how quickly it was already bruising.
"I guess a trip to the hospital it is then" Katie said as she picked up her daughter and rubbed her back trying to soothe her daughter who was trying so so hard not to cry.
Caitlin picked up Lila who was squirming in her arms trying to peak over at her sister trying to make sure she was okay. Still wanting to protect her. "She's gonna be okay li, just a little boo-boo on her wrist. She might get a cool cast and you can be the first to sign how does that sound?"
"That would be cool" she said distracted still trying to push away from Caitlin to get a look at her sister.

They quickly got in the car and made their way to the hospital. Lila and Amelia held hands on the hospital bed while the waited for X-rays to return. It was confirmed that there was a small crack in her bone and needed a cast. The biggest discussion of the day came when the doctor asked what color the cast should be. Katie and Caitlin wanted to laugh at the site of their daughters huddled together to discuss this very important topic. They knew the girls constantly switched favorite colors. It switched from red for Arsenal, green for Ireland, yellow for Australia. It depended which game their mams were making them watch. Today though their little minds came up with the perfect plan. They wanted all three colors. The doctor laughed and agreed he could accommodate the request.
As promised Lila was the first to sign the cast
"I love you sissy" she wrote taking up over half the cast in her messy four year old writing.
The day ended with getting ice cream which cheered all four girls up. As Katie and Caitlin kissed their babies goodnight they stood in the door way and smiled. Even though they had their own beds they wanted to sleep in the same one tonight. And Katie and Caitlin couldn't help but beam down at them.

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