It Makes Sense Now

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It was a rainy afternoon as the couple relaxed on their couch. Katie rubbed small circles onto Caitlin's back as she was sound asleep on Katie's lap. Katie couldn't have told you what was on tv as she was lost in her own thoughts.

Throughout the years of knowing Caitlin their friendship had grown and grown until now well now she didn't think they could get closer. But the early years of just meeting, then becoming friends and bus buddies, then best friends who told each other everything. She never would regret their journey but it didn't mean there weren't ups and downs, mostly with Ruesha. And although Katie had never had feelings for Caitlin during the time she could see looking back on it how it could be misinterpreted.

Flashback 1
"We got a new girl on the team today. She's an Aussie, Caitlin Foord. Have you heard of her?" Katie asked Ruesha
"Nah haven't" Ruesha said uninterested.
"Seems nice I'm going to take her around tomorrow and get some lunch."
"Sounds like a good time Katie" Ruesha said turning back to her phone.

The next day Katie came back all smiles after their lunch outing.
"Why are you all smiley today?"
"Oh I just had so much fun with Caitlin! She's so funny!"
"Don't replace me now" Ruesha half joked.
"I'm not I just had fun with her alright"

Flashback 2
"Holy shit Ruesha that was the best trip I've ever taken" Katie exclaimed as Ruesha picked her up from the airport on her way back from the Rwanda trip.
Katie explained every detail about the trip, but might have mentioned Caitlin a few too many times.
"Did you hang out with anyone else or just Caitlin the whole time"
"Seriously?! We've talked about this. Caitlin is my friend. We are just friends. We got grouped together. That's why we were together. Why can't you just every drop it with her!"
"Because you guys look at each other like you're way more than friends."
"She's with Lia I'm with you! We aren't together. Get over it."

Flashback 3
Katie and Ruesha were on a nice date for once. They haven't been out in forever. They were enjoying their time together until Katie's phone rang. Ruesha saw that the contact was Caitlin.
"Don't answer that"
Katie, annoyed that Ruesha used such a tone with her, nodded her head and silenced the phone.
Until two minuted later, Caitlin called again.
Ruesha gave her a look, but Katie ignored her this time.
"Ruesh she never calls twice in a row"
"Answer that and I leave Katie"
"It could be an emergency" Katie said as she ignored Ruesha and answered the phone.
Ruesha got up and left before Katie even finished the call.
Leaving Katie to pay the bill for the food they hadn't finished. But she didn't regret it because her best friend had just got broken up with and was crying in her car not knowing where to go. Katie was there for her that night. She didn't care that Ruesha flipped her shit on her the next day. She'd do it all over again if it meant saving Caitlin from crying herself to sleep in a car. And it wasn't just Caitlin. She'd do that for any of her friends. But It made her realize that if Ruesha couldn't see that then she wasn't meant to be with her. It took weeks maybe even closer to a month or two to build up the courage to end it with Ruesha. And god did it crush her. But Caitlin was there for her. Just like she was for her. And they got through it together. And then that's when they realized there might be something more between them.

End of flashbacks.

Katie hadn't realized Caitlin had woken up until she felt a hand rub against her cheek.
"What are you thinking?"
"Just you baby. Always you" Katie responded back giving her a little kiss.

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