Since when?? Pt 2

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After the loud cheers and excitement from her teammates after Sam decided to announce them all that she was in love, Caitlin sat quietly and ate her food. She had know she was for a while she thinks. But had never really allowed herself to form that thought and had definitely not told Katie yet. Leave it to her friends to blurt it for literally everyone to hear before she had even told the girl who it was about yet.

Abruptly Caitlin pushed away from the table and gave a half mumbled excuse that she needed to go. Macca and Alanna gave her that all knowing smile again as she headed out resulting in her flipping them both off.

Before she knew it she found herself walking the streets of Sydney headed towards Katie's hotel. They hadn't talked yet since the game and she really was unsure what she was about to find when she gave Katie a call.

"Hey Cait" Katie said sounding defeated
"Hey darlin you in your room?"
"Yeah we just had dinner and team chat"
"Would you happen to want some company? I um happen to be hanging out across the street from your room. I could sneak in or maybe we can get a little treat. I know it's late, but there's a good ice cream place close."
"That would be really nice actually yeah I'll be down in a minute babe" she said a little happier.

Caitlin waited in the shadows trying not to be spot by any lingering Irish players or fans staying at this hotel. She saw Katie come outside and head in her direction and she got the biggest smile on her face.
Immediately she walked a little faster than a normal pace to go meet her and wrapped her in a big hug.
"I missed you so much" she hadn't realized how much she needed Katie in her arms again after being separated for so long at their respective team camps.
She ushered Katie away from the Main Street and towards one hidden so that she could give her a big kiss away from potential cameras.
A little bit of spark was finally returning to Katie's eyes after the hug and kiss and just being able to hold Caitlin hand again.
They started walking towards the ice cream place in a comfortable silence. Caitlin was content just being with Katie again and after a long day for both of them she understood why it was quiet.
They reached the ice cream shop and Caitlin had smartly put In an online order already with her and Katie's favorite flavors so they didn't have to be in a crowd long. They were able to walk off to a bench over looking the water that was a little secluded.
"Sorry I'm not great company tonight" Katie said quietly
"I'm just happy to be back with you baby. I'm sorry the game didn't go your way, but I'm proud of you."
"You're too good for me" Katie said in return to which Caitlin just kissed her forehead. "You deserve nothing but the best Kates"
"I'm um sorry about Ruesha. I wish you could have just enjoyed your night and not had to deal with that on top of it. I feel like it's my fault that our relationship is not going to be private anymore."
"Katie this is not your fault. Not at all. And you don't have to apologize for her. She's a grown up she knew what she was doing. I'm just happy to be doing this with you. And actually the incident she started led me to realize something. Which is kinda the reason I asked you to get some ice cream."
"What do you mean?" Asked Katie after putting a huge spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
"Well after the game the team was talking about a lot of things. One of them being you and one being why Ruesha came for me. After trying to keep things under the radar I just couldn't anymore and I didn't like them talking about you. So I may have gotten a little irritated and yelled at everyone that you were my girlfriend and that I didn't want to hear another bad word come out of their mouth. Anyways Macca, Alanna, and Sam have known me for so long so they know me better than I know myself and they made me realize, well realize isn't the right word. I've known for a while, but maybe they helped me gain the confidence to tell you that I love you Katie. I'm so incredibly in love with you. And I get if you aren't there yet, but I just couldn't keep that to myself anymore."
After pouring her heart out Caitlin's cheeks suddenly became bright red as the realization of what she said just hit her. She put her head down towards her ice cream and started moving it around with her spoon trying to fill the void of Katie's silence. A moment later she felt a tender hand on her chin pulling her face up.
"I love you too Caitlin. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much in such a short time of being officially together." She said leaning in to give Caitlin a long and sweet kiss. When they pulled away the they both looked happier than either one had ever seen the other.
They gave each other a few more kisses and finished up their ice cream before Caitlin dropped Katie back off at her hotel.
Caitlin returned late to her hotel room, but her friends were still up celebrating their win. She walked past Macca and Alanna and they gave her that awfully annoying look of knowing what just happened before she even told them.
"Don't even start you two. Yes I told her. Yes she feels the same way. Yes this smile will be staying on my face for a while. Yes I will punch both of you if either of you decide you'd like to make me fun of me for this. And now I will going to bed because I don't want to hear what you two could possibly say to me right now."
And with that Caitlin turned around and walked out only hearing slight giggles coming from her two best friends.

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