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Katie always got slightly more clingy and protective close to an international break because she's already think about how much she's going to miss Caitlin. Although Katie would never admit it, Caitlin made her really soft but she would only show that side of her while they were home alone.
Caitlin woke up feeling something rubbing her cheek. It made her smile because it was slightly ticklish. Opening her eyes she saw Katie giving her the biggest heart eyes she's ever seen as she realized it was her thumb rubbing her cheek that woke her up.
"Morning" Caitlin said in her raspy voice
"Goodmorning beautiful" Katie said making her blush and then leaning in to give her a kiss which led to a short make out. But before it got too heated, Katie pulled away.
"You stay here and I'll bring breakfast back in a bit."
Caitlin couldn't complain when she was being treated like a princess.
Katie came back with all of Caitlin's favorites for breakfast and cleaned everything up afterwards. She then came back and playfully threw Cait over her shoulder to lead her to the shower.
"Katie I can walk!!"
"I know you can but today is all about treating you like a Queen"
After Katie washed her hair for her they both got dressed and headed off to the stores where Katie definitely spoiled her girl. She also stopped caring about what people may say or what the cameras captured. She grabbed Caitlin's hand and held it tight the entire time leading her in and out of every shop.
They stopped by a cafe to grab a quick bite to eat after shopping. The waitress either didn't know who they were or chose to ignore but seemed more like she just had no idea. The waitress also clearly didn't think they were in a relationship because she kept winking at Caitlin and putting her hand on her shoulder while getting their drink order. This didn't sit well with Katie and as soon as the waitress came back over to get their order she grabbed Caitlin's hand and ordered for the both of them.
"I will have the grilled chicken sandwich with avocado and my girl will do the pesto pasta."
Katie said with emphasis on "my girl"
Getting the hint, the waitress nodded and walked away.
"Protective much?" Caitlin laughed at her.
"Very." Katie responded not letting go of her hand.
"Wait does that bother you? I can lay off?"
"No I don't mind darlin. Quite like it actually and I like the days you go the extra mile to treat me so well"
"Good I don't plan on switching any time soon"

The day ended similarly to how it started with Katie and Caitlin in bed together. But this time it went a little further than this morning. Laying together in tangled limbs after Katie took her phone and posted a photo she took of Caitlin earlier today with the caption "my girl" yep she was claiming her now. And she wouldn't let anyone hurt her girl.

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