Injured Cait

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"Go Cait!!" Katie yelled from her right back position as Lotte passed a ball over the top to Caitlin who was sprinting down the wing. Katie saw the angle Caitlin was taking and new she had her defender beat. What Katie also saw was a midfielder tracking back quickly. Katie tried to yell man on but she was too far to have Cait hear her over the sound of the crowd. She tried yelling it again hoping someone ahead of her would repeat it but instead she was met with the sounds of Caitlin's shrieks as the opposing player made a horrendous challenge right on her ankle.
Katie took off in all out sprint, ignoring her teammates telling her to calm down.
How could she calm down right now with her girlfriend crying out in pain?
She came across the player who caused Caitlin the pain first. She was pleading her case to the ref why she shouldn't get a yellow card.
Overhearing this Katie of course jumped in.
"Are you bloody kidding me?! That should have been a red! What the hell were you thinking. What kinda dirty—"
The ref cut her off before she could continue. "McCabe I got it. One more word and you are getting carded too."
Katie didn't care and opened her mouth to keep talking but Kim grabbed her first and basically threw her In the direction of Caitlin still clutching her ankle and hiding her tears.
Going from Katie 'I'll fight your whole team' McCabe to 'I'm the worlds biggest simp for Caitlin Foord in an instant she was quickly kneeling besides her girlfriends head in an attempt to block all camera from her face right now.
"Hi baby it's me. Give me your hand please I've got your face blocked don't worry." Katie said taking Caitlin's hand for her to hold and brushing some hair out of her face.
Katie stayed with her the whole time as the physios came out even though the rest of the team was huddling up. They brought a stretcher on for Caitlin who even though she was protesting that she could walk was forced down on it by the staff and Katie. Looking towards the bench Katie saw two subs standing there. One obviously for Caitlin and the other for her. She knew Jonas was taking her out because she wouldn't be able to get her mind clear but probably also the fact she clearly disobeyed direct orders to join the huddle and let the staff take care of her girl. But there wasn't a chance in hell she was letting her hand go right now.

Caitlin had finally calmed down and was processing what was going on. "Katie what are you doing? Go back to play!"
"I got subbed off Cait"
"Katie we promised we would be professional and not put one another first like this. You should have stayed."
"Cait it's much harder to actually do that. Especially seeing you in so much pain. There wasn't a shot i was staying on that field. I'll deal with Jonas later. My girl is more important."

The results of the scan came to reveal a small fracture. Meaning she would be out several weeks which left both girls sad. Caitlin was put in a boot and given crutches and said they could head home since the game was finished up anyway and the team was just signing autographs at this point. Katie being Katie made sure to clear out every hallway before Caitlin walked down it so she wouldn't have to face any questions or media right now. Then Katie ran and got the car and pulled it in as close as she could to keep Caitlin's walking to a minimum. The ride home was silent as Caitlin was trying to accept the fact she was out for a while and Katie knew she needed to give her time.
Finally home, Katie ran to open Caitlin's door and leaned down to pick her up.
"Katie I can walk! I have to get used to it."
"You can get used to it tomorrow." Katie said as she shuffled their way into the house, up the stairs, and onto their bed. She elevated Caitlin's leg. Put extra pillows behind her so she could sit up and then got her some water and snacks.
"Thank you Kates" Caitlin said quietly clearly having the emotions of the day finally hit her.
Katie moved closer to her so she could put her arm around her shoulder and allowed Caitlin to lean on her shoulder and let some tears fall. Caitlin fell asleep while Katie responded to the team who were all asking how she was.
A notification popped up on Caitlin's phone that surprised Katie. The girl who hurt her messaged her on Instagram. She knew it was Caitlin's phone and she didn't really have the right to but she grabbed the phone anyway and opened up the message. It was an apology and wishes to get well soon but Katie was fuming. This girl was absolutely reckless. In the midst of writing her very strongly worded response she hasn't realized Caitlin woke up and was reading what she was typing while still leaning on her shoulder until she heard giggling.
"Okay ms protective calm down. She was just apologizing."
"But nothing! Give me my phone back so I can respond before the poor girl gets her head ripped off by you."
"Sorry" Katie said defeated handing the phone over.
"Don't be sorry thanks for taking care of me on and off the field today baby." Caitlin said giving her a quick peck. "I'll be expecting full princess treatment the whole time I'm out."
"Of course you will" Katie said rolling her eyes but you could tell she was joking and she deepened her hug around Caitlin

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