International Break Pt 2

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After a long two weeks international break was finally coming to an end. For most of the girls international break was great. A lot of the time you got to go to your home country and see your family. You got to meet up with teammates you hadn't seen in a while. But the worse part was having to come home, rest, and have a quick turnaround right back into clubs season. And for the Aussies add a flight half way across the world to throw the worst possible jet lag into the mix.

The only thing keeping Caitlin going right now was knowing she'd get to go home and see her girl. Katie had wanted to pick her up at the airport, but Caitlin convinced her to stay home and get sleep since they weren't getting in until 1am and her and Steph were going to get back together with Steph dropping Caitlin's off at Katie's.

When Caitlin made it to Katie's she quietly made her way into the house expecting to find Katie asleep in bed. Well that's exactly what she found, but you can tell Katie made every attempt to try and stay up. The lights were on. Her tv was on and she was on top of the covers, but she was completely passed out with her mouth slightly open. Caitlin laughed slightly at the sight and then noticed the rest of the room.

Her pajamas were laid out and there was a water next to her bed. She quickly changed and headed into the bathroom where she saw some medicine she usually took to make her fall asleep. The quicker she could fall asleep the sooner she'd get back on a normal sleep schedule and next to it was some of Katie's sleep lotion that Caitlin loved. Realizing that Katie had done all this to make her return home as easy as possible was so sweet. She made sure to turn off the tv and lights before grabbing the blankets and moving Katie underneath and trying to tuck her in before waking her up. Unfortunately she wasn't quite successful and Katie slowly started to wake.
"Cait? Oh shit I fell asleep I'm sorry. Welcome back baby!"
"Hi darlin I missed you too. Thank you for getting everything ready for me." Caitlin said leaning into giver her a kiss.
Katie quickly flipped her over and pulled her back close. "I'm big spoon tonight." She said with one more kiss to Caitlin's neck that made her feel butterflies.

The next morning Caitlin woke up to her alarm reminding her she had practice today. What she also quickly realized was that Katie wasn't next to her. But she soon smelled bacon and quickly got out of bed. Making her way to the kitchen she found her girlfriend still in her pjs making breakfast. There were two things she noticed right away. The first was how cute Katie was and how much effort she was putting into breakfast clearly not noticing Caitlin behind her yet. The second and the one she probably wouldn't straight out admit to Katie was that her pajama shorts were new and they were short and she had REALLY missed her girlfriend.
Slowly turning Katie around so they were facing each other she leaned in a gave her a very long slow kiss with her hands making their way down to the short pajama shorts that caught her eye.
"Mhhm Caitlin keep that up and I'm going to burn breakfast"
"Don't care" she said continuing her kisses
"You will when you get hangry later babe" Katie said slowly pushing her back and telling her to sit down.
Over their delicious breakfast they spent time catching up about their respective international teams camps.
Once they finished eating Katie grabbed Caitlin's leg and positioned it on her lap. "Uhh whatcha doing?"
"Giving your half working hamstring a massage before practice. You gotta play a full 90 against spurs probably so we are going to keep you in one piece."
"I really don't deserve you. You know that? What you did for me before leaving and last night and now. I can't believe you do all this for me."
They always thanked each other for taking care of one another but the tone of Caitlin's voice was so soft making Katie realize how tender of a moment this one.
"Cait you deserve it all. You make me so happy I'm just trying to take care of my girl. Now let's get the leg back to tip too shape. I need you running up that wing cause I'm determined to get a Mcfoord assist/goal combination this season."
"Did you just use our ship name?"
"Yeah I kinda like it" she said giggling.

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