Kyra... The Pest

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When Kyra first joined Arsenal she was a little shy just being at a big club with world class players all around her. But as the weeks went by she opened up more and more and started acting like her true self. A hyper child stuck in an early 20 year olds body.

Obviously knowing Caitlin and Steph from the national team she flocked to them at first but then became friends with some of the other girls as well which spread out the time of having to interact with "the pest" as her nickname so fittingly was.

Kyra usually sat near Alessia on the bus to games, but one Gameday Alessia was a bit under the weather and didn't want to get anyone sick so she sat by herself. Leaving Kyra to find another spot. Her eyes lit up as the other open seat happened to be two people she enjoyed to annoy the most. Katie and Caitlin.
Caitlin had become somewhat of a big sister to her and there's nothing a younger sister loves more than to make fun of and irritate their older sibling. So instead of sitting in the seat she plunked herself right down in Caitlin's lap and leaned back to lay across her and onto Katie's lap as well.
"Can we help you?" Caitlin asked trying to shove kyra off who was holding her ground.
"Nope! Just going to sit here for the trip. We will have so much fun!"
"I was actually planning on napping"
"Well that's a shame McCabe guess you'll have to sleep later. I've got tons of games we can play!" She said sitting up abruptly and almost hitting Cait in the face to grab her bag.
"Can you at least sit in your own seat!" Caitlin said finally pushing her off
"Why do you want to hold hands with your girlfriend under the table?" Kyra mimicked in a mocking tone and then made kissy faces.
"Are you 10 years old?!"
"Maybe. But I'm a fun 10 year old"
"Keep telling yourself that" Caitlin retorted as Katie laughed to herself.
The entire 3 hour trip involved Caitlin and Katie having to entertain Kyra's nonstop motor. By the time they eventually made it to the game both Caitlin and Katie felt mentally drained. But they couldn't remain mellow for long as kyra came bouncing into the locker room and poked both Caitlin and Katie in their sides causing them to jump up in surprise.
"Do you ever stop!" Katie turned toward her to say
"When it comes to you two not a chance."

Minus a few more pokes here and there and loud random noises coming from Kyra the warm up and game went relatively smoothly. Kyra actually got a start today and put in a full 90 playing really well. Arsenal won 2-0.

Katie and Caitlin both had to do some media after the game so they were late getting back on the bus. Meanwhile kyra had made it on back to her seat and when she finally sat down she realized just how tired she was. Deciding to just give herself a moment of rest she closed her eyes but immediately fell into deep sleep.

Katie and Caitlin made it back on the bus and we're almost overjoyed to see kyra asleep meaning they finally had some peace and quiet.
They talked to themselves a little bit about the game first and then checked to make sure Kyra was still asleep.
"I mean seriously she's worse than all 100 of my nieces and nephews combined." Katie said
"God tell me about it. But you gotta love the kid."
Katie and agreed and settled back into Caitlin's chest to fall asleep. Right before both girls were finally about to doze off they heard a way too excited voice talking to them.
"Hey guys!! Good game! We should play some more games to celebrate!"
Katie squeezed her eyes shut harder and pushed herself into Caitlin to try and hide.
Caitlin opened her eyes and gave Kyra a nasty look.
"I take it back Katie. I don't love the kid."

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